GHP at a Glance

Our Mission:

The Department of Global Health and Population (GHP) seeks to improve global health through education, research, and service from a population-based perspective. The 21st century has arrived with a complex set of demographic patterns, disease burdens, and health policies. These create challenges that affect all societies, rich and poor, developed and developing. The department’s approach to these problems combines the analysis of population and health using quantitative and qualitative methods, the investigation of policies that affect health, and a concern with the politics and ethics of health and development.

Professor Atun speaks to an audience


The department offers more than 55 courses, including international field courses in Brazil, Chile, India, the Middle East, Mexico, Nepal and various country sites for the field experience in Maternal Health

An audience listens to a lecture during Global Health Week


GHP is home to 126 students, representing more than 30 countries
28 doctoral students
49 SM2 students
49 MPH global health students
Dr. Wafaie Fawzi speaks with members of the T.H. Chan community

Faculty, Researchers, and Staff

22 Primary Faculty
8 Secondary Faculty
9 Adjunct Faculty
6 Emeritus Faculty
208 Researchers
45 Staff Members
The department engages in global research initiatives

Global Footprint

GHP faculty, researchers, and staff are present in all regions of the world.  Students hail from more than 30 countries, and faculty members are actively conducting research in over 60 countries.