
Course Offerings

Please check the latest catalog for the latest course offerings and schedules:


The importance of leadership as a determinant of the “public’s health” was made apparent in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina response. While the federal, state, and local leaders whose decisions and actions were at the center of the debacle did not identify themselves as “public health leaders,” their actions and decisions had a devastating impact on people whose lives depended on the public system. Once again, public health questioned just what “leadership” meant for its mission to achieve safer and healthier people.

Two important public health lessons emerged. First is the importance of reaching beyond the traditional scope of “public health” to have a health impact, to include also matters of global warming, tobacco utilization, and nutrition. Second, the recognition that just as pollution, smoking, and stress are public health risk factors, so too is “bad leadership.”

This course introduces the concept and practice of meta-leadership. Meta-leaders are committed and capable of advancing connectivity within the public health and health care domain and beyond. “Meta-leaders” are “leaders of leaders.” They act as system connectors able to reach outside their silo to fashion intentional linkages among separate endeavors. The course will delve into the five critical dimensions of meta-leadership practice. When infused into the culture of a complex health system, meta-leaders leverage system assets and capabilities to boost performance and productivity.


Conflict can be viewed as a problem: they can also be viewed as an opportunity. By addressing rather than ignoring disputes that arise, providers, managers, consumers and public health leaders can generate opportunities for communication, collaboration and creative resource expansion and allocation. While some conflict is unavoidable, many disputes are amenable to prevention, management and resolution. And these disputes, when constructively and intentionally resolved, can lead to system learning and change that reduces the likelihood of recurrence. The course will direct our attention to framing conflict in order to achieve more inclusive and satisfactory outcomes: from the interpersonal to the organizational and policy levels. Students will learn concepts and techniques for interest-based negotiation, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution.

In addition to their courses for matriculating students at the T.H. Chan School, the faculty also present an executive education program for executive and clinical leaders in health care and related fields.