Rare window for improving public health in North Korea

Diplomatic engagement with North Korea by the U.S. and South Korea could open a rare opportunity to improve the health of one of the world’s hardest to reach populations, according to an editorial published online June 8, 2018 in BMJ.

Authors John Park and Rifat Atun of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Hee Young Shin of Seoul National University College of Medicine write that two challenges must be overcome in order to take advantage of this potential opportunity. First, data must be gathered on the health status and needs of the North Korean people. Second, international mechanisms are needed to help outside organizations work in coordination with the North Korean government.

They write, “There are no “sides” in global health, only unity towards a common goal to maximise the health and wellbeing of populations.”

Read BMJ editorial: Global health engagement with North Korea