Health care poses challenges for presidential hopefuls

Health care is among the most important issues to likely voters, and it’s expected that the issue will dominate upcoming debates among Democrats seeking nomination as the party’s 2020 presidential candidate, according to news reports.

A May 13, 2019 FiveThirtyEight article examined the complexity of Americans’ views on health care and the challenges this complexity poses to candidates.

“The average American is first and foremost concerned about the financial problems facing their family,” said Robert Blendon, Richard L. Menschel Professor of Public Health and Professor of Health Policy and Political Analysis at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “The safest bet for a Democrat in the general election is to emphasize Trump’s track record on health care and say you’re going to make the ACA work.”

Read the FiveThirtyEight article: Democrats Have No Safe Options On Health Care