Occupational Exposure and Retiree Health

Study by Pop Center director Lisa Berkman, faculty member Maria Glymour and research fellow Erika Sabbath investigates whether health effects of combined occupational exposures during working life are observed after individuals retire and are no longer exposed.  

Urbanization and Child Mortality

Pop Center faculty members, Gunther Fink and Kenneth Hill, examine the effects of increased urbanization on child mortality in developing countries in the Harvard School of Public Health study: “Urbanization and Child Mortality – Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys.”  

The Health Cost of Debt

Arijit Nandi and Elizabeth Sweet, former RWJF Health & Society Scholars, find debt to be an important socioeconomic determinant of health in their recent study, “The high price of debt: Household financial debt and its impact on mental and physical health” published in the journal Social Science and Medicine.  

Foreclosures contribute to the obesity epidemic

Neighborhood foreclosures are associated with local population weight gain finds Pop Center faculty members, Maria Glymour, Ichiro Kawachi and SV Subramanian, and Pop Center research scientist, Mariana Arcaya, in their recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health.    

Medical Therapy and Microbiota Diversity

Challenges in therapeutic options for chronic rhinosinusitis are highlighted by Cindy Liu, Pop Center faculty member, in her study “Medical therapy reduces microbiota diversity and evenness in surgically recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis“, recently published in the International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology.