India’s gender gap in mobile phone usage is fourth highest in world

According to a new Harvard Kennedy School study—with Harvard Pop Center faculty member Rohini Pande and recent Harvard Bell Fellow Natalia Rigol among its authors—men in India are 33 percentage points more likely than women to own a cell phone, on average. Learn how this imbalance can influence other forms of inequalities in this news piece on

Cell phone gender gap in India and why it matters

In this piece on IndianXpress, Harvard Pop Center faculty member Rohini Pande, PhD, explains how the cell phone gender gap in India (33% of women use cell phones compared to 77% of men) can negatively impact women economically by limiting access to: job opportunities; information regarding best prices for market goods; and mobile money.

Are more girls enrolled in charter schools than boys?

Jennifer Jennings, PhD, a Harvard RWJF Health & Society Scholar program alumna, is co-author of a paper that explores the apparent gender gap in charter school enrollment, with more girls being initially matriculated, and boys being less likely to stay in these types of schools. The study received some attention in the press.

Why do women outlive men? Former Harvard Bell Fellow sheds light

Hiram Beltran-Sanchez, PhD, a former Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow, is lead author on a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that reveals that “excess male mortality” appears to be caused by cardiovascular disease and smoking-related deaths, as opposed to just biological differences between the genders. Learn more about the study in an article in the Los Angeles Times.