How did Hurricane Katrina affect short & long-term happiness of survivors?

Former Harvard Pop Center Bell Fellow Rocio Calvo Vilches, PhD,  Pop Center faculty member Mary Waters, PhD,  and Pop Center Yerby Fellow Mariana Arcaya, ScD, co-authored a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies titled Happily Ever After? Pre-and-Post Disaster Determinants of Happiness Among Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The study, which compared survivors’ happiness levels pre-disaster to one and four years post-disaster, has received international media attention on,…

Minority neighborhoods found to have higher access to fast-food restaurants in the United States

The findings of a recent study co-authored by Harvard Pop Center faculty member S.V. Subramanian and Yerby Fellow Mariana C. Arcaya have been published in Health & Place. The study examines whether minority and poor neighborhoods have higher access to fast-food restaurants throughout the United States.

Harvard Pop Center researchers investigate effect of urban sprawl on body mass index among displaced Hurricane Katrina survivors

Three Harvard Pop Center-affiliated researchers, Yerby Fellow Mariana Arcaya, ScD, and faculty members Mary C. Waters, PhD,  and S.V. Subramanian, PhD, have provided the first natural experimental data on urban sprawl and body mass index (BMI). Their research results suggest that built environment may foster changes in weight.

Team of Harvard Pop Center researchers publish paper on impact of unemployment on smoking and drinking

A team of Harvard Pop Center researchers, including current Yerby Fellow Mariana Arcaya, and Pop Center-affiliated faculty members Maria Glymour, Ichiro Kawachi, and SV Subramanian, have published a paper in Social Science & Medicine that looks at individual and spousal unemployment as predictors of smoking and drinking behavior.

Post-Katrina Happiness

Mary Waters, PhD, M.E. Zukerman Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Harvard University, and Pop Center Yerby Fellow Mariana Arcaya, ScD, are co-authors on a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies titled “Happily Ever After? Pre-and-Post Disaster Determinants of Happiness Among Survivors of Hurricane Katrina.”

Foreclosures contribute to the obesity epidemic

Neighborhood foreclosures are associated with local population weight gain finds Pop Center faculty members, Maria Glymour, Ichiro Kawachi and SV Subramanian, and Pop Center research scientist, Mariana Arcaya, in their recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health.