Brent Coull, PhD, is a professor of Biostatistics in the Departments of Biostatistics and Environmental Health and associate chair of the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He received his PhD in statistics from the University of Florida and has over 25 years of experience in a wide range of biostatistical applications to environmental health and health disparities research. His primary research interests focus on the development and application of integrative modeling of exposure and health data collected at multiple spatial and temporal scales, measurement error issues associated with the use of outputs from such models in risk assessments, methods for analyzing the health effects of high-dimensional environmental mixtures in complex epidemiological study designs, and methods for analyzing highly irregular data such as that arising from electronic health records and mobile health studies. Professor Coull directs a NIH T32 training program in environmental statistics, and is the principal investigator of the Environmental Statistics and Bioinformatics Core of the Harvard NIEHS Center and of the Data and Management Core of the Superfund Research Program at Harvard. Professor Coull has served as an external advisor for multiple U.S. EPA and NIH research centers, several NIH T32 training programs, and as an associate editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and Biometrics.