Sudha Biddinger

Sudha Biddinger

Professor Department of Molecular Metabolism

Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Metabolism Diseases: Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Fatty liver disease, and Gallstones Research: Defining the molecular chain of events that link obesity, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, and gallstones.

David Christiani

David Christiani

Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics
Department of Environmental Health

Diseases: Cancer, Acute and Chronic Lung Disease, Birth Outcomes and Development, Metabolic Disorder Research: Studying the impact of exposures to various pollutants on health and the interactions between host factors and  environmental exposures in producing acute and chronic diseases.  

Immaculata De Vivo

Immaculata De Vivo

Professor in the Department of Epidemiology

Diseases: Hormonal Cancers – Endometrial, Breast and Ovarian Research: Understand mechanisms of carcinogenesis and to establish association with disease for future prevention.