“Functional data analysis using smoothing splines”
Tuesday, July 18th
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Bldg 2, Rm 426
Kush Kapur, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Senior Biostatistician at Boston Children’s Hospital, will discuss the following article: Guo W. “Functional data analysis using smoothing splines” Stat Methods Med Res.2004 Feb; 13 (1): 49-62. In addition to the main articles, you are also highly encouraged to read any supplementary articles of your choosing.
The article that Dr. Kapur will be presenting can be found here.
Biostatistics Journal Club
Tuesday, August 29th
Bldg 2, Rm 426
Edie Weller, Ph.D., Director of Biostatistics and Research Design Core at Boston Children’s Hospital, will lead the August meeting of the Harvard Catalyst Biostatistics Journal Club. Please contact Jai Vartikar for call-in information.