Writing Workshops

Writing & Editing Consulting

Provided by:
Amanda King, Senior Project Coordinator
Please contact Amanda to schedule a consult.

Amanda works one-on-one with students, researchers, and faculty to help build stronger structure, sound editing skills, and clarity and economy in written work. Writing projects commonly submitted for feedback include grant proposals, manuscripts for publication, and application letters for funding, scholarships or academic programs.

The feedback focuses on general issues for ALL writers, as well as some aspects particularly important for publishing in the sciences. Other topics can be incorporated as they come up, or by student request. Because writing is an evolving practice, students are requested to work on iterative drafts so they can develop and hone their writing skills in the process of seeking feedback.

Feedback will be given on aspects of writing such as:

  • Structural issues – using outlines for course correction, storytelling
  • Iterative editing at the global/local levels
  • Common problems (e.g. voice, verb tense, run-ons, mechanics)
  • Polish and style – clarity, economy, colloquial language, audience consideration
  • Manuscript issues – joint authorship/editorial responsibility
  • Tips – outside eyes and editing teams, proofing aloud etc