Hiroto Hatabu, PhD, MD

Dr. Hiroto Hatabu is Professor of Radiology, BWH and HMS, Medical Director of Center for Pulmonary functional imaging (CPFI) and Clinical Director of the MRI Program at BWH. Dr. Hatabu is also a practicing chest radiologist and has significant research experience in lung cancer imaging for diagnosis and treatment response. In the course of the development of Center for Pulmonary Functional Imaging and Image-based Phenotyping, Dr. Hatabu has instituted the system infrastructure with PC-based workstations to handle 10,000 to 30,000 CT scans with 20 TB hard disc memory. Collaborating with Drs. Christiani, Johnson, Mak, and Nishino, Dr. Hatabu will contribute expertise toward the continued development of infrastructure to collect and analyze imaging data in the BLCS cohort comprising more than 10,000 cases.