Xihong Lin, PhD

Dr. Xihong Lin is the Henry Pickering Walcott Professor of Biostatistics, Chair, Department of Biostatistics, HSPH. Dr. Lin is a leading expert in statistical genetics and genomics and statistical methods for epidemiological data and massive data. Dr. Lin’s research interests lie in the development and application of statistical and computational methods for 1) analysis of massive genetic and genomic data in population and medical science; and 2) analysis of complex and big data in observational and clinical studies, especially in cancer research. She is widely recognized for her contributions in these areas in both (bio)statistical and genetic epidemiology communities, particularly for her work in longitudinal data analysis, kernel machine methods, and statistical genetics and genomics. She has been closely collaborating with epidemiologists, clinical scientists and biologists in lung, breast, prostate, and NPC cancers, and has made several important discoveries in cancer etiology, biology, and medicine. Dr. Lin has published over 230 papers, many in leading statistics, genetics, and health science journals. She is the senior author on many methods papers and the leading statistician on many substantive papers.