
Our team is working on a number of interventions related to the problems that we diagnose in our research.

  • Community-Led Total Nutrition.

Our research team will study the impacts of community-led total nutrition (CLTN) interventions led by Catholic Relief Services in sub-Saharan Africa on the prevalence and incidence of stunting. While major efforts and investments are being made around nutrition and some improvements have been made overall (reduction from 198 to 151 million children stunted), West/Central and Eastern/Southern Africa have actually seen an increase in the number of children that are stunted (22.8 to 28.9 million children stunted). CLTN drives an innovative approach in communities to strengthen social mobilization efforts around nutrition: entertainment-based approach, a social movement is initiated that promotes community cohesion, individual and shared responsibility. The proposed research on CLTN will build the evidence on approaches targeting the improvement of child and adolescent nutrition.  The major research/learning questions to be addressed by the research include:

  1. What are the changes (nutrition and non-nutrition related) brought about by the CLTN approach at the individual, household, community levels? To what extent do changes differ across social groups, age groups and localities?
  2. What are the positive and possible negative changes in objective health/nutritional status, knowledge and practices around nutrition and child care as well as in indicators identified by communities;
  3. How did the CLTN approach influence these changes? How much variation is there between localities in these processes? Are there external conditions that help or impede the CLTN approach to influence positive change? Which ones and what role do they play?
  • Vaccine development and dissemination to control Newcastle Disease Virus in rural chicken production systems

Our MAHERY team is working with IMVAVET to develop solutions to human-animal-conflict in northeastern Madagascar through the development of healthy poultry production systems that can provide nutrition to local communities while reducing reliance on forest products.

Annapragada, A., Borgerson, C., Iams, S., Miharifetra, A., Crawford, G. C., Helin, M., and Golden, C. 2019. Modeling the impact of Newcastle disease virus vaccinations on chicken production systems in Northeastern Madagascar. Frontiers in Veterinary Science6, 305. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00305