Antonella Zanobetti, PhD

Senior Research Scientist
Department of Environmental Health
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

The area of my research interest focuses on the health consequences of exposure to air pollutants and climate change. My research interests are shaped by my background and training in both epidemiology and statistics, by developing and applying statistical methods for epidemiological investigations. My work has contributed substantially to our understanding of air pollution and climate change-mediated health impacts.

My research is focused on three main topics:  (1) examination of the impact of short and long term exposure to air pollution on mortality and morbidity and on cardiovascular disease in panel and longitudinal studies, (2) development of innovative statistical methodologies to examine emerging issues in environmental epidemiology, such as gene-environment interactions, epigenetics, and susceptibility and vulnerability, and (3) assessment of the health consequences of extreme temperatures and other weather parameters on mortality and morbidity.