Stefania Papatheodorou

Stefania Papatheodorou, PhD, MD
Lecturer on Epidemiology


Dr. Stefania Papatheodorou is a Lecturer in Epidemiology and a trained obstetrician and gynecologist, with a focus on risk factors and interventions for pregnancy-related diseases such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, prenatal diagnosis of fetal defects, and preterm delivery as well as longer-term outcomes such as children’s neurodevelopment due to environmental exposures during pregnancy. Her research emphasizes estimating the health effects of in utero exposure to air pollutants in pregnant individuals and their offspring, using advanced epidemiologic methods to provide accurate information and high-quality evidence that can (i) minimize bias and confounding in environmental and clinical epidemiologic research; (ii) incorporate the role of environmental risk factors in the development of clinical guidelines (iii) inform public health policy about regulations and safety thresholds and ultimately; (iv) improve the health of individuals and entire communities. She has also used evidence synthesis methods to summarize available evidence in significant clinical questions in obstetrics and gynecology by applying the umbrella review methodology.

She is serving as an associate editor in the journals: European Journal of Epidemiology, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Frontiers in Reproductive Health.