Harvard Chan School hosts a diverse array of speakers, invited to share both scholarly research and personal perspectives. They do not speak for the School, and hosting them does not imply endorsement of their views, organizations, or employers.

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Harvard Chan Giving Day

March 6th

Virtual In Person
Three Harvard Chan students standing holding veritas logos smiling.

Our fifth annual Giving Day is Wednesday, March 6, 2024!

Each year, this day provides an opportunity to make a tremendous collective impact and advance our mission to build a world where everyone can thrive. This year, a generous alum will match every gift, dollar-for-dollar, up to $100K, with their own gift to financial aid. Every gift will have double the impact. 

Show your support from near or far: Visit hsph.me/givingday or stop by the Kresge Building to elevate and celebrate the Harvard Chan community!

Development and Alumni Relations staff will be in the Kresge Building from 8 am–5 pm providing light breakfast treats and coffee starting at 8:30 am and hosting a community activity fair and reception, featuring an appearance by Dean Baccarelli, a photo booth, cornhole, and more 12:30–2 pm.


Date: March 6th
Calendars: Public Events, School-wide Events
Event types: Social and Community-building Events


Kresge Building
Virtual In Person