Harvard Chan School Research Scientist Association (HCRSA)



The purpose of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Research Scientist Association (Harvard Chan Research Scientist Association/HCRSA) shall be comprised of three primary goals:

  1. To advocate for Research Scientists at all levels within the School, including:
    • To provide a collective voice for the issues that are relevant and of interest to Research Scientists at HSPH.
    • To provide a liaison between Research Scientists and the administration and faculty of HSPH.
  2. To support Research Scientists in their professional development, including:
    • To promote professional enrichment, development and training of Research Scientists at HSPH.
    • To provide for efficient dissemination of relevant information about such topics to all Research Scientists at HSPH.
  3. To build community between Research Scientists, and between Research Scientists and others in the School.
    • To establish a formal forum for Research Scientists to meet and discuss issues of importance to them at HSPH.
    • To promote social interaction and create an environment in which peer support is openly sought and available for Research Scientists.
    • To enhance the experience of Research Scientists and appreciate Research Scientists as an important part of the HSPH community.
    • To help new incoming Research Scientists integrate into the HSPH community.