Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment (Title IX) Policies and Procedures

updated 12/29/2020

On May 6, 2020, the US Department of Education (DOE) issued new Title IX regulations. As of August 14, 2020, the University has adopted two new interim policies that address sexual harassment and misconduct: the Interim Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and the Interim Other Sexual Misconduct Policy. Conduct prohibited under the University’s previous Policy will continue to be prohibited under the two new interim policies.

Along with the Univeristy, the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health remains committed to ensure a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all Harvard Chan students and employees. To learn more about the new policies visit the University Title IX Office or the Office for Dispute Resolution website. Descriptions of the current Harvard University Title IX policies can be found at the links below.

If you believe you have been directly affected by the conduct of a Harvard Chan School faculty member or other academic appointee you may: request information or advice, including whether certain conduct may violate the Policy; seek an informal resolution; or file a formal complaint. You are encouraged to bring your concerns to the Harvard Chan School Title IX Resource Coordinators for Faculty, the University’s Title IX Officer, or staff in ODR, but you may contact another School or University officer, who will refer the matter as appropriate.

Harvard Chan School Title IX Resource Coordinators for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees

Jennifer M. Ivers
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
(617) 432-1381

Shamika Harris
Assistant Director of Faculty Development

After an initial discussion with a Title IX resource coordinator, a determination can be made as to whether a formal complaint will be filed, leading to an investigation in the Office for Dispute Resolution. Alternately, interim/supportive measures or an informal resolution can be developed.

Consult Complaint Procedures Involving Academic Appointees at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health for a fuller description of the process, which is applicable to faculty members and academic appointees. 

Additional resources

  • To find the procedures for  complaints against a faculty member at another Harvard School, go to the  Title IX Office website and select the school/unit based on the affiliation of that faculty member.
  • Members of the Harvard community can anonymously submit disclosures of sexual and/or gender-based harassment to the Title IX Office. Through the online disclosure form, you can let us know of a concern, communicate with a member of the Title IX Office, and access resources without ever having to reveal your identity. Click here to access the Anonymous Disclosure Form.
  • The Longwood Area Ombuds Office provides additional information and guidance on matters related to harassment and discrimination.
  • Members of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (“HUCTW”) also are covered by the sexual harassment policies agreed to in the collective bargaining agreement and described in the HUCTW Personnel Manual. For HUCTW members those policies take precedence over the policies governing other members of the University community. The School will act in accordance with  procedures set forth in the HUCTW Personnel Manual wherever applicable.

Concerns involving staff should be discussed with the Harvard T.H. Chan School’s Title IX Resource Coordinator for staff:

Linda Picard
Senior Director for HR and Title IX Resource Coordinator
(617) 432-0979

Elissa Brennan
Director of Human Resources and Recruitment Services

Concerns involving students should be discussed with one of the Harvard T.H. Chan School’s Title IX Resource Coordinators for Students:

Yana Geyfman
Housing and Resident Life Coordinator

Maritza Hernandez
Associate Dean for Student Services
(617) 432-4703

Luke Sutherland
Housing and Resident Life Coordinator
(617) 432-1036

Harvard University Title IX Officer:

Nicole Merhill
Harvard University Title IX Officer
(617) 496-2470

Note: If the subject of a complaint (the “Respondent”) has a (secondary) Harvard Chan School appointment but is employed by or associated with a separate (primary) institution, and the alleged conduct took place outside HSPH, then these Procedures ordinarily will not apply and the Harvard Chan School or ODR will refer the matter to the relevant institution or Harvard School for investigation under any procedures of the institution or other Harvard School that may be applicable. However, where the alleged conduct either took place at the Harvard Chan School or could create a hostile environment at the School, the School may conduct joint proceedings with the other institution or other Harvard School.