Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial Factors in Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) Study


Updated 5/16/22

Country: Czech Republic, Russia, Poland, Lithuania

Study design: Observational cohort with repeated measurements over time

Participant age range: Adults aged 45-69 at enrollment

Number of participants at baseline: 28,947

Year of initial enrollment: 2002

Number of data collection waves: 2

Measures of well-being:

  • Quality of life
  • Subjective happiness
  • Social support
  • Perceived control
  • Community-level psychosocial measures

Quantity of well-being measures (e.g., number of constructs, number of times well-being was assessed): Moderate

Quality of well-being measures (e.g., were measures reliable and valid in the study population): Moderate

Measures of physical health: 

  • Cognitive functioning
  • Self-reported physical functioning and activities
  • Measured anthropometrics, e.g., weight
  • Biomarkers
  • Adjudicated events, including mortality (all cause and from CVD) and nonfatal CVD events

Access Information:

This dataset may be available upon request from the study PIs.

Interested researchers should contact study PIs to inquire whether an application to access this data is necessary.

Notable citation:

Peasey et al. (2006). Determinants of cardiovascular disease and other non-communicable diseases in Central and Eastern Europe: Rationale and design of the HAPIEE study. BMC Public Health 2006(6): 255.