HPM Faculty – Resources for Advisors

HPM Academic Programs Staff

Jennifer Moltoni, Assistant Director of Academic Programs and Student Services

Tel:  617-432-4234, Email:  jmoltoni@hsph.harvard.edu

Doug Scaffidi,  Senior Academic Coordinator

Tel:  617-432-4506, Email: dscaffidi@hsph.harvard.edu

Nancy Turnbull, Director of Educational Policy for HPM, MPH 65 Health Policy Field of Study Leader

Tel: 617-432-4496, Email:  nturnbul@hsph.harvard.edu

Anne Occhipinti, Assistant Dean for Professional Education

Tel:  617-432-3530, Email:  aocchipi@hsph.harvard.edu

Emily Davies, MPH Program Administrator, Office of Education

Tel:  617-432-3042, Email:  edavies@hsph.harvard.edu

Bonnie Blanchfield, MPH 45 and 65 Health Management Field of Study Leader

Email:  bblanchfield@hsph.harvard.edu

David Hemenway, MPH 45 Health Policy Field of Study Leader

Tel:  617-432-6472, Email: hemenway@hsph.harvard.edu

Linda Cyr, MCHM Program Co-Director

Tel:  617-432-4512, Email: lcyr@hsph.harvard.edu

Rick Siegrist, MCHM Program Co-Director

Tel:  508-395-1884, Email:  rsiegris@hsph.harvard.edu

Harvard Chan School General Information

Harvard Chan Student Advisee Information: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/office-of-education/master-of-public-health/mph-faculty-advisors/

Harvard Chan School Student Handbook:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-handbook/

Degree and Program Specific Information

HPM – SM1 Program Information and Requirements: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/health-policy-and-management/welcome-master-of-science-in-health-policy-and-management-students/

MPH Degree Curriculum Guides:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/office-of-education/master-of-public-health/mph-curriculum-guides/

MPH Office Contacts:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/office-of-education/staff/mph-program-team/

Student Resources

International Student Resources:  http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-affairs/international-student-resources/

Disability Services:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-affairs/disability-services/

Health and Wellness:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-affairs/health-and-wellness/

Sexual Harassment/Assault: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-affairs/sexual-harassment/

Learning Assistance:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/student-affairs/learning-assistance/

Public Health Practice Resources:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/public-health-practice-resources/for-students/

Career Advancement Office:  https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/career-services/

CareerConnect login:  https://hsph-harvard-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php

Tips from the Office of Student Affairs

Dos and Don’ts

  • A resource sheet with guidance about working with students in the classroom, specifically with those who may be seeking an accommodation.

Stressing Out? S.T.O.P.

  • Tip sheet for dealing with stress.

Harvard Chan School Student Support Resources

  • An easy reference guide to support resources available here at the Harvard Chan School and across Harvard University to our students.
Students in Distress

OFA has provided us with a summary of the University’s guidance on best practices for identification and referral of students in distress.

(adapted from Harvard University’s Student Health Coordinating Board brochure)

Identify Warning Signs
– deterioration of physical appearance or personal hygiene
– excessive fatigue or sleep difficulties
– exaggerated behaviors
– unprovoked anger or hostility
– irritability, anxiety or tearfulness

Engage the Student
– talk with the student in person
– acknowledge and validate their concerns
– listen patiently and carefully
– withhold judgment
– remind students that there are trained professionals on campus to specifically assist students in distress

Making Appropriate Referrals
– acknowledge and explain the limits of your own knowledge and experience
– help students understand that your referral does not replace your own concern and willingness to provide support as their faculty
– help students understand that it is your intention that the student get the appropriate support
– if the student’s situation seems acute, offer to make the referral appointment with HUHS Mental Health Services on their behalf
– in a non-emergency situation, please feel free to refer them to the Office for Student Affairs

– realize that your offer of referral may be rejected
– leave the conversation in such a way that may allow you to raise it again, after some time has passed

Campus Resources
If you have immediate concerns about a student’s well-being, stay with the student and call HUHS Mental Health Services 617.495.5711 and indicate you wish to report an urgent mental health issue. Or you may contact the University Police Department at 617.495.1212.

In a non-emergency situation, please feel free to recommend that a student come to meet with Leah Kane, Director of Student Affairs, or Stacey Herman, Associate Dean for Student Services.  We can address their or your concerns.

lkane@hsph.harvard.edu, 617-432-0488, Kresge G4