Are You Bringing Toxic Chemicals Home from Work?

By Diana Ceballos and Marcy Franck As the mother of a 6-year old girl, I cannot imagine the devastation many parents endure when they learn that their child has contracted lead poisoning, which happens when the amount of lead in their blood has reached a level that can cause serious health problems. These issues can last a lifetime, leading to conditions such as hyperactivity, attention deficits, behavior misconduct, and cognitive impairment [Bellinger 2004;…

We’re Surrounded! Do Chemicals Hold You Captive?

Written by Zhao Dong; edited by Lisa Boehm Hello everyone, welcome to the Chemicals and Health blog posted by the Hoffman Program. We will periodically share thoughts and ideas from our research here at Harvard related to chemical exposures and human health. Thanks for your attention and stay tuned! It has been estimated that millions of chemical substances are now on the market, while about 100,000 chemicals are inventoried in…