Modeling Human Exposures to Chemicals of Concern for Rapid Prioritization and Screening
February 26, 2015
Speaker: Halûk Özkaynak, Ph.D.
Formerly a Sr. Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development/National Exposure Research Laboratory
Dr. Özkaynak has 40 years of experience performing research in the areas of environmental exposure sciences and human health and risk assessment. At the U.S. EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), in the Office of Research and Development (ORD), he served as a Senior Scientist (2004-2014), conducting and sponsoring research on the development of higher-tier population exposure models and their epidemiological applications. More recently he was performing integrative multidisciplinary research on developing a novel moderate-tier modeling tool for more efficient human source-to-concentration-to-exposure-to-dose modeling, for large numbers of multimedia chemicals of concern. He conceived and implemented the development of a model (SHEDS-HT) for rapid and high throughput evaluation of thousands of consumer product chemicals of interest.