Export and Email Reports

Exporting Reports

Google Analytics lets you export any of your reports in the following formats:

  • PDF (portable document format)
  • CSV (comma separated values)
  • TSV (tab separated values)

    Google Analytics Export
    Email and export buttons highlighted in red.

To Export a Report

  1. Open the report you’d like to export. Analytics exports the report as it is currently displayed on your screen, so make sure that your date range and other settings are the ones you want.
  2. Click Export, above the report title.
  3. Select one of the export formats:
    • PDF
    • CSV
    • CSV for Excel
    • TSV

Your file is generated automatically and available in the download directory on your computer.

Emailing Reports

You can send a report via email in one of the following formats:

  • PDF
  • CSV
  • CSV for Excel
  • TSV

You can also schedule a report to be sent via email on one of the following schedules:

  • Once
  • Daily (sent each morning)
  • Weekly (sent the day of the week you select)
  • Monthly (sent the day of the month you select)
  • Quarterly (sent first day of each quarter

Once you have set a schedule for a report, you can add other reports to that schedule. Reports that you add to a schedule are sent to the same list of addresses with the same configuration as the original.

Emails are sent for a period of 12 months. If you want to continue sending the same email after that expiration period, you can simply change the Effective Date under Admin > Views > relevant view > Assets > Scheduled Emails.

To Send a Report by Email

    1. Open the report you’d like to schedule.
    2. Click Email above the report title.
    3. The email address you used as your login is listed in the From field.
    4. In the To field, enter a comma-separated list of email addresses.
    5. Enter a subject, and select the attachment format and frequency.
    6. Click ADVANCED OPTIONS to select how long Analytics sends the message with this report attached.
    7. Use the text field to enter the body of your email.
    8. Click Send.