Widespread aspirin use after chest pain could significantly reduce heart attack deaths
If most people in the U.S. took aspirin within hours of experiencing severe chest pain, it could delay more than 13,000 heart attack deaths every year, according to a new Harvard Chan School study.
HIV medication poses prescribing dilemma in poor countries
The recent discovery that an anti-HIV medication called dolutegravir can cause birth defects among pregnant women poses ethical challenges for doctors and patients in low-resource settings, according to reports. An April 19, 2019 NPR article examined the dilemma…
Zika highlights tension around public health directives
With the mosquito-borne Zika virus linked to a dramatic rise in severe birth defects in Brazil, health officials in nearby countries are advising women to delay plans to become pregnant. But women’s rights advocates have countered that the recommendations…
Health care rationed in the U.S., HSPH ethicist says
Daniel Wikler, Mary B. Saltonstall professor of population ethics and professor of ethics and population health, was interviewed Dec. 17, 2010, on Public Radio International’s The World, about health care rationing. The interview was part of a week-long…
The global organ market
Daniel Wikler, Professor of Ethics and Population Health, on the market for kidneys: "In the past, the idea that the kidneys you're born with will stay in your body as long as you stay healthy has been an…