All articles related to "COVID-19":

The importance of studying treatments in pregnant people

At the 16th Kolokotrones Symposium, experts discussed the importance of including pregnant people when testing vaccines and drugs, the challenges of collecting data for that population, and research methods that could help fill the data gap.

Making performing arts venues healthier

An effort to ensure that Harvard University’s American Repertory Theater is housed in a healthy building—and to share information about how to make theaters everywhere healthier—was the focus of an article in American Artscape, the magazine of the…

Emergency preparedness experts preach the power of communication

Experts at Harvard Chan School's Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation & Practice (EPREP) Program have studied the pandemic and other public health emergencies to gain insight into best practices for communicating effectively about health risks during such situations.

More seasonal sickness likely in years to come, say experts

With COVID now added to the annual mix of viruses that typically circulate every year, including influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and other respiratory viruses, “sick season” is likely to be worse—and longer—going forward.