All articles related to "health disparities":

Health discrimination

Michelle Mello, Professor of Law and Public Health, on whether insurers and employers can discriminate against people on the basis of personal health behaviors. (September 2008, 11:57) Please click the player icon above to play this podcast in…

Champion social and economic equality

If you want to narrow health inequities, be bold. The most practical action you can take is not narrow incrementalism, but to spark wide-reaching initiatives to reduce U.S. socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and gender inequalities while also promoting public health.…

Support a Health Rights movement

Forty-four years after Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, egregious racial and ethnic inequities persist in health status and health care. As vigorously documented by the Institute of Medicine’s sentinel 2002 report, Unequal Treatment, the life-expectancy…

Desegregate our healthcare system

If we as a nation are truly committed to putting our legacy of racial segregation behind us, one place to begin is our health care system. While the reasons for lower health status for racial and ethnic minorities…

Encourage investments in long-term health

The health of the nation depends on more than ensuring health insurance coverage for all. According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, only about 10 percent of premature mortality in America can be traced to…