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HSPH Prof. William Hsiao, who is serving as a consultant on health system reform for the Vermont State Legislature, recently provided a status report on his findings. He told an oversight committee that the system is broken and…
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The mid-term elections may be over, but the battle over health care reform is just beginning, according to the panel of health policy experts who spoke on Nov. 5 at an event, The Impact of the 2010 Elections…
Poll analysis shows prospective voters for Democratic Congressional Candidates and prospective voters for Republicans hold starkly different views on what the next congress should do about new health care law
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Health care law: New regulations kick in
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U.S. hospitals making only modest gains in adoption of electronic health records
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Health care: How can medicine help terminally ill patients and their families
The U.S. health care system works assiduously to save lives. The system is not as adept at helping terminally ill patients and their families make the best of the time they have left. Atul Gawande, associate professor in…
Comparative effectiveness
Milton Weinstein, Henry J. Kaiser Professor of Health Policy and Management, discusses comparative effectiveness research in health care. July 27, 2010 (8:01) Please click the player icon above to play this podcast in your browser. Alternatively, you may…