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We're better off when we swipe right on public health

When Antón Castellanos Usigli was asked to help bring younger LGBTQ people into a Brooklyn clinic for sexual health services, he thought it would be a piece of cake. But after his first attempts failed, Antón turned to…

Bridging the Know-Do Gap

Ariadne Labs’ Better Evidence program brings the most up-to-date clinical knowledge to health care providers in resource-poor countries.

We rely on fossil fuels—but ‘they’re killing us’

Air pollution is killing almost 8.8 million people each year—more annual deaths than tobacco smoking, HIV, and vector-borne illnesses such as malaria and dengue, according to a new study from a European research team. The authors of the…

Using gay dating apps to promote sexual health

A health center in Brooklyn has been incorporating gay dating apps into its efforts to improve sexual health among the diverse and at-risk population it serves. The innovative approach was launched in 2016 at the Wyckoff Heights Medical…