Nutrition News

Most “Box Tops” food products do not meet school nutrition standards

An analysis of products included in a popular school-based marketing program finds that less than one third of participating foods and beverages meet federal Smart Snacks in School standards. Food marketing targeted at children is a billion dollar industry, often promoting foods and beverages that are calorie-dense and low in nutrients. Schools are a significant … Continue reading “Most “Box Tops” food products do not meet school nutrition standards”

A comprehensive whole-community approach to reduce childhood obesity shows promise

The World Health Organization reports that children who carry excess weight are more likely to stay overweight into adulthood and develop chronic diseases at a younger age. These include cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and certain cancers such as breast and colon. Childhood obesity prevalence in the U.S. … Continue reading “A comprehensive whole-community approach to reduce childhood obesity shows promise”

More than cooking, Teaching Kitchens as learning labs for life skills

With dramatic increases in obesity and diabetes, the search is on for innovative strategies to change the paths of those living with, or at risk for developing these and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases. In conjunction with good medical guidance, holistic strategies are needed that will improve the way people eat, move, and think. Dr. David … Continue reading “More than cooking, Teaching Kitchens as learning labs for life skills”

U.S. Government Eases Sodium and Whole Grain Standards for School Meals

In the U.S., over 30 million students consume at least one meal in school every day. With such broad reach, strong standards for healthy, high-quality food can have a significant impact on the health of the nation’s children. Yet a new proclamation by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture takes a different route, partially rolling back the … Continue reading “U.S. Government Eases Sodium and Whole Grain Standards for School Meals”

Removing Trans Fats from Restaurant Menus Associated with Drop in Heart Attacks and Strokes

Does a public health measure such as restricting trans fats from restaurant menus really make a difference? A study published April 12th in JAMA Cardiology nods yes. Between 2007 and 2011, 11 New York State urban counties restricted the use of trans fats in public eateries including restaurants, bakeries, cafeterias, park concessions, and senior meal … Continue reading “Removing Trans Fats from Restaurant Menus Associated with Drop in Heart Attacks and Strokes”

Meal Prep: A Helpful Healthy Eating Strategy

Amidst hectic weekday schedules, meal prep or meal planning is a great tool to help keep us on a healthy eating track. Although any type of meal prep requires planning, there is no one correct method, as it can differ based on food preferences, cooking ability, schedules, and personal goals. Learn what works best for … Continue reading “Meal Prep: A Helpful Healthy Eating Strategy”

19 Take-Home Messages for Health Professionals from Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives

Each February, over 400 doctors, registered dietitians, and other health professionals join food service directors and chefs for Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives—a conference that bridges nutrition science, health care, and the culinary arts. The annual conference (a collaboration between the Harvard Chan School’s Department of Nutrition and The Culinary Institute of America) was created to … Continue reading “19 Take-Home Messages for Health Professionals from Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives”

An industry-funded attempt to cast doubt on science-based sugar guidelines?

There’s no nutritional need or benefit that comes from consuming added sugar, yet our global supply of heavily processed foods is full of it—from breakfast cereals and salad dressings, to pasta sauces and soda. Sugary drinks are of particular concern, as they are a well-documented contributor to the obesity epidemic, and multiple studies link these beverages to increased … Continue reading “An industry-funded attempt to cast doubt on science-based sugar guidelines?”