National Geographic Foods for Health

Foods for Health: Choose and Use the Very Best Foods for Your Family and Our Planet (National Geographic) by Barton Seaver and Dr. P.K. Newby: Eat for life. With every food choice you make—every meal you prepare, serve, and enjoy—you are shaping the future. Choose well, and you build the foundation for strength, longevity, and a healthy brain and … Continue reading “National Geographic Foods for Health”

5 tips for sustainable eating

As we become a more food-savvy society, consumers are looking beyond the supermarket shelf and exploring how their food is produced. Where does all this food come from? Consider that, for example, livestock production – which includes meat, milk and eggs – contributes 40 percent of global agricultural gross domestic product, and uses one-third of … Continue reading “5 tips for sustainable eating”

The new focus on sustainability: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and for our planet

What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and who creates them? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans were first released in 1980, providing science-based advice to encourage individuals to eat a healthful diet and for the formation of federal food and nutrition and nutrition education programs that help Americans achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promote … Continue reading “The new focus on sustainability: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and for our planet”

Menus of Change

Sustainability’s importance is far-reaching, and an increasing number of organizations are embracing its principles. Players in the sustainability movement include individuals shopping at farmers markets, to schools incorporating more local produce in school lunches, to the food industry and academic institutions.

Talking sustainability with Dr. Gary Adamkiewicz (Part 2)

In Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Gary Adamkiewicz, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health and Exposure Disparities in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, he answers the question “What exactly does “sustainability” mean? In Part 2 he offers further insights on the relationship between food, the environment, … Continue reading “Talking sustainability with Dr. Gary Adamkiewicz (Part 2)”

En Hälsosam Mattallrik (Swedish)

Den hälsosamma mattallriken skapad av nutritionsexperter vid Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health och redaktörer för Harvard Health Publications- är en guide för att skapa hälsosamma, balanserade måltider – för såväl tallrik som matlåda. Sätt upp en kopia på kylskåpet som en daglig påminnelse om att laga hälsosamma, balanserade måltider! Låt grönsaker och frukt … Continue reading “En Hälsosam Mattallrik (Swedish)”