
Chromium is an essential mineral that the body needs in trace amounts. It is naturally present in a wide variety of foods, though only in small amounts, and is also available as a supplement. Chromium enhances the action of the hormone insulin. [1) It is also involved in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrate, proteins, … Continue reading “Chromium”

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 released

The 9th edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 is out, with the tagline to Make Every Bite Count. Intended for policy makers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and Federal nutrition program operators, the new edition has expanded to almost 150 pages, providing nutrition guidelines for even more age groups throughout the life cycle. As … Continue reading “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 released”


Dairy foods include a range of food and beverage products that make up classic combinations: cereal with milk, cheese and crackers, yogurt and berries, ice cream sundaes. While ice cream and cream cheese are examples of indulgent dairy foods that are viewed as every-so-often treats, a lack of clarity exists over other dairy foods that … Continue reading “Dairy”


Cheese is an age-old staple, beloved for its richness, creaminess, flavor, and satiating qualities. It was discovered in ancient civilizations during the rise of agriculture and domestication of sheep and goats for their milk. By accident, when the milk was left sitting out in the sun for hours, it turned sour and the protein components … Continue reading “Cheese”


Milk is the liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals, including humans. Breast milk is the preferred food for infants, as it is well-tolerated while their digestive tracts develop and mature. Dairy milk may be introduced at later ages if tolerated well. Although dairy milk may come from any mammal, cows, goats, buffalo, and … Continue reading “Milk”


Calcium is a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth, although it also plays an important role in blood clotting, helping muscles to contract, and regulating normal heart rhythms and nerve functions. About 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in bones, and the remaining 1% is found in blood, muscle, and other … Continue reading “Calcium”

Stress and Health

Stress is a common problem in most societies. There are three main types of stress that may occur in our everyday lives: acute (a brief event such as a heated argument or getting stuck in a traffic jam), acute episodic (frequent acute events such as work deadlines), and chronic stress (persistent events like unemployment from … Continue reading “Stress and Health”

Meal Prep Guide

Who hasn’t left work late with a growling stomach but little energy to shop and cook? A busy schedule is one of the top reasons why people choose quick takeout meals, which are often calorie-laden and a contributor to expanding waistlines. [1-3] Now, imagine a different scenario where within a few minutes of walking through the door you … Continue reading “Meal Prep Guide”

Precision Nutrition

What Is It? Precision nutrition may sound like a new fad diet, but it is actually a credible emerging area of research supported by the National Institutes of Health under the umbrella of precision medicine. [1,2] Precision medicine seeks to improve the personalized treatment of diseases, and precision nutrition is specific to dietary intake. Both … Continue reading “Precision Nutrition”


Choline is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in certain foods and available as a supplement. The body can also produce small amounts on its own in the liver, but not enough to meet daily needs. Choline is converted into a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which helps muscles to contract, activates pain responses, and plays … Continue reading “Choline”