Berkman’s paper factors in regional context to trends in educational gradient of mortality

Pop Center Director Lisa Berkman, PhD, and former RWJF scholar Jennifer Karas Montez co-authored a paper published in the American Journal of Public Health, titled “Trends in the Educational Gradient of Mortality Among US Adults Aged 45 to 84 Years: Bringing Regional Context Into the Explanation.”

Former RWJF Scholar Papachristos’ paper on network exposure & homicide victimization in African American community

Andrew Papachristos, PhD, a scholar in the RWJF Health & Society Scholars Program at the Pop Center from 2010- 2012, had an article titled “Network Exposure and Homicide Victimization in an African American Community” published in The American Journal of Public Health.

Former RWJF Scholar Nandi’s paper on inequalities in HIV/AIDS prevalence in sub-Saharan African countries

Arijit Nandi, PhD, a scholar in the RWJF Health & Society Scholars Program at the Pop Center from 2008- 2010, had a article titled Socioeconomic inequalities in HIV/AIDS prevalence in sub-Saharan African countries: evidence from the Demographic Health Surveys published on February 18, 2014 in the International Journal for Equity in Health.

Dr. Alex Tsai Publishes Work on HIV/AIDS in Uganda

Pop Center faculty member Alexander C. Tsai  has recently co-authored a number of studies pertaining to the treatment of HIV/AIDS in Uganda.  Dr. Tsai was first author on “Internalized stigma, social distance, and disclosure of HIV seropositivity in rural Uganda” and “Harnessing poverty alleviation to reduce the stigma of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa.“

Home and Workplace Environments

Former Harvard RWJF Health & Society scholar, Mahasin Mujahid, investigates relationships between home and workplace neighborhood environments in his recent study, “Home and work neighborhood environments in relation to body mass index: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)“.

The Health Cost of Debt

Arijit Nandi and Elizabeth Sweet, former RWJF Health & Society Scholars, find debt to be an important socioeconomic determinant of health in their recent study, “The high price of debt: Household financial debt and its impact on mental and physical health” published in the journal Social Science and Medicine.