At Virginia’s sixth Weight of the State Conference in Richmond, VA, Katie Giles and Dr. Jamie Jeffrey will present CHOICES research and choosing cost-effective strategies for childhood obesity reduction during the plenary session. Presentation details are below.
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Time: 8:30am-9:45am
CHOICES: How to Pick the Best, Cost-Effective Strategies for Childhood Obesity Reduction
Katie Giles, Project Manager at the Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HPRC), will discuss the Childhood Obesity Intervention Cost-Effectiveness Study (CHOICES) model for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of programs and policies intended to reduce childhood obesity. Giles will share information and resources from the CHOICES menu of effective strategies and their relative impact on health, implementation cost and health care costs. Dr. Jamie Jeffrey, a West Virginia participant from a CHOICES Learning Collaborative Partnership, will share how the results of CHOICES analysis can help in state decision making on program/policy selection and implementation.
Katie Giles, MPH
Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HPRC)
Dr. Jamie Jeffrey
West Virginia University School of Medicine