Nomfuneko Mafunda, is an MPH-65 student in the Health and Social Behavior program. She is originally from Botswana. Prior to Harvard, she was a Research Technician at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard. Her research was focused on the associations between the vaginal microbiome and HIV risk among young women in sub-Saharan Africa. This research heightened Nomfuneko’s interests in women’s health issues. Nomfuneko’s current research interests are improving the social determinants of Maternal and Child Health disparities among underserved populations. Her other areas of interests are sexual and reproductive health, health equity as well as infectious diseases, in both global and local contexts.
Nomfuneko’s project focuses on aiding in the development of an evaluation plan as well as providing recommendations for the sustainability of the efforts to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality through doula care.