
WebMeV (Multiple Experiment Viewer) is a web/cloud-based tool for genomic data analysis. WebMeV is being built to meet the challenge of exploring large public genomic data set with intuitive graphical interface providing access to state-of-the-art analytical tools. It is free, but does require account creation or authentication with a Google account.

You can find a brief tutorial of an example RNASeq analysis workflow at: https://web-mev.github.io/quickstart/. Full documentation and tutorials can be found at: https://web-mev.github.io/.

Reference: WebMeV: A Cloud Platform for Analyzing and Visualizing Cancer Genomic DataCancer Res. 2017; 77(21):e11

WebMeV Privacy Policy

The WebMeV web application offers customized analyses of user-submitted data available through a browser-based application.

WebMeV does not collect a user’s personal information beyond email address and will not share your email address. The use of your email address is limited to establishing your identity with the application (log-in) and for sending notifications via email as necessary.

Certain analyses performed on WebMeV require the upload of files by registered WebMeV accounts. Both uploaded and WebMeV-generated files will be stored in a secured cloud-based storage system. However, WebMeV is not responsible for storage of these files and it is important that investigators retain personal copies of all files, both uploaded and those created by the application.

While uploaded data is protected, no system can be guaranteed absolutely secure. As such, it is important that protected health information (PHI) is not contained in the uploaded data. WebMeV cannot check uploaded data for PHI and it is the responsibility of the investigator to ensure that submitted data is compliant.

Data will be processed only in the context of the requested analysis, which means the WebMeV team will not use the data in any kind of secondary analysis, such as in aggregating across multiple datasets.