Events Calendar

Socioeconomic Conditions And Cognitive Aging In Rural South Africa | CPDS Social Demography Seminar Series

Virtual In Person

Lindsay Kobayashi, PhD, MSc, assistant professor, department of epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health and former Harvard Bell Fellow (2016–2018 cohort) and Molly Rosenberg, PhD, associate professor, department of epidemiology and biostatistics, Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington and former Harvard Bell Fellow (2014–2016 cohort) will present in person “Socioeconomic conditions and cognitive aging in rural South … Continue reading "Socioeconomic Conditions And Cognitive Aging In Rural South Africa | CPDS Social Demography Seminar Series"

Who Is Most Likely To Thrive After Engaging With Social Media? A Differential Susceptibility Approach To A Complex Question | CHH Digital Media And Well-Being Seminar Series

Virtual In Person

Sarah M. Coyne is a professor of human development in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. She received her BSc degree in Psychology from Utah State University, and her PhD in Psychology from the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England. Her research interests involve media, aggression, gender, and child development. Coyne … Continue reading "Who Is Most Likely To Thrive After Engaging With Social Media? A Differential Susceptibility Approach To A Complex Question | CHH Digital Media And Well-Being Seminar Series"

Economic Inequality And Social And Demographic Outcomes In China | CPDS Social Demography Seminar

Virtual In Person

Yu Xie, PhD, Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Sociology and Director of Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China, Princeton University, and Visiting Chair Professor of the Center for Social Research, Peking University presents in person “Economic inequality and social and demographic outcomes in China.” Join us at the Pop Center or register to attend … Continue reading "Economic Inequality And Social And Demographic Outcomes In China | CPDS Social Demography Seminar"

Countering Health Misinformation: What Really Works

In Person

Join Briony Swire-Thompson, head of the Psychology of Misinformation Lab at Northeastern University, to learn about evidence-based strategies for countering health misinformation. This is an on-campus event reserved for students. Lunch will be provided. Registration link:

Post-Election Breakfast | WGH Resilience and Resistance: Gender, Policies, and Health Series

In Person

Join WGH for a breakfast to debrief the results of the 2022 midterm elections. Drop by and stay for as long as you like. A variety of light breakfast options will be served. This breakfast is for open conversation to share responses to the results, whatever they may be, with no formal presentations or analysis. … Continue reading "Post-Election Breakfast | WGH Resilience and Resistance: Gender, Policies, and Health Series"