Welcome to the STRIPED FDA Docket Explorer. We are pleased to introduce a new tool designed to streamline and enhance your experience with the Food and Drug Administration’s docket search. Recognizing the challenges posed by the current system—where users have to laboriously search through each year and download claims individually—our FDA Docket Explorer offers an improved solution.
Leveraging the capabilities of the FDA’s API, our tool provides an efficient and user-friendly interface that allows seamless searches across any specified timeframe. Users can effortlessly retrieve and download all pertinent documents in a single action, and the tool supports complex search functions, including “AND” as well as “OR,” ensuring comprehensive and precise results.
The STRIPED FDA Docket Explorer was developed by Pavlos Constas-Malevanets and Chuying Huo.
Regulations.gov API search across years 2013-2024
in 30-Day Structure Function Claim Notification Letters
Instructions for use
- Enter your API key and search term
- API keys can be generated at https://open.gsa.gov/api/regulationsgov/, by scrolling to the “Getting Started” section of the page, and filling in your information. API key will be emailed to you promptly. One may want to try request an institutional API key, which may increase the rate caps but in my testing, they do not prove to be an issue.
- Regarding searching, space-separated search terms are searched for within the documents. For a search to return, all of the space-separated words must be present in a given document, but it does not have to appear in that same order. If quotation marks are placed around space-separated search terms, then the words in the quotation must appear in that same order in the document. (i.e. searching for body mass index will return results containing the words body AND mass AND index, whereas a search for “body mass index” will return all results containing the words body mass index together, in that order.) AND operations are supported (i.e. “body mass index” “muscle growth”) will return all documents containing both of those terms. OR operations are supported by the addition of a forward slash between terms (i.e. searching weight/”body mass index” will return all terms including weight or “body mass index” removing duplicates.)
- Click the search button.
- Results will be displayed in the form of a list of documents containing the search term(s) supplied.
- A new search can be started simply by altering the search term and pressing the search button.
- Results will be displayed below.
- Each result will contain the title of the document and a link to the document on the regulations.gov website.
- Results will be displayed in the order of the docket years 2013-2024.
Enter your API key and search term