Cosmetic Surgery

Chua SN, Craddock N, Rodtanaporn W, Or F, Austin SB. Social media, traditional media, and other body image influences and disordered eating and cosmetic procedures in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Body Image. 2023;45(June):265-272. (Abstract)

Tang L, Rifas-Shiman SL, Field AE, Austin SB, Haines J. Self-reported total screen time and viewing modes are associated with body dissatisfaction, disordered eating, and cosmetic surgery intentions among young adults. Nutrients. 2022; 14(10):2027. (Article). This paper reports the results of a study led by STRIPED International Expert Advisory Panel member, Dr. Jess Haines.

Cooper, KC. Can I see some ID? Banning access to cosmetic breast implant surgery for minors under eighteen. Journal of Law and Health. 2014;27(2):186-214. (Article Katherine Cohen Cooper, JD, was our second STRIPED trainee from Harvard Law School, and this paper in Journal of Law and Health is based on her work supported by STRIPED.

Cooper, KC. Injecting caution: A need for enhanced state-level enforcement tactics targeting the cosmetic use of liquid silicone products. Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy. 2014;30(2):249-278. (Article) Katherine Cohen Cooper, JD, was our second STRIPED trainee from Harvard Law School, and this paper in Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy is based on her work supported by STRIPED.

Austin SB, Gordon AR, Kennedy GA, Sonneville KR, Blossom J, Blood EA. Spatial distribution of cosmetic-procedure businesses in two U.S. cities: A pilot mapping and validation study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013;10(12):6832-6862. (Article)