Differences, Disparities & Equity

Nurses’ use of ‘wellness’ supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States Samantha L. Turner, Ariel Beccia, Gwenneth Feeny, Amanda Raffoul, Destiny Jackson, Vishnudas Sarda, Janet Rich-Edwards, Jorge Chavarro, Jaime E. Hart, S. Bryn Austin. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Published online ahead of print March 21, 2024 (Abstract).

Raffoul R, Beccia AL, Jackson DA, Sarda V, Hart JE, Chavarro JE, Austin SB. Associations between weight discrimination and the use of potentially harmful dietary supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Social Science & Medicine. 2023;335(October 2023):116232. (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study co-authored by STRIPED trainees Ariel Beccia and Destiny Jackson.

Xu W, Lopez-Cepero A, Taylor, O’Neill J, Plym A, Austin SB, Mattei J. Food insecurity is associated with dysfunctional eating behaviors among adults in Puerto Rico. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2023;55(9):644-650. (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a paper led by STRIPED Trainee Wanqing Xu along with STRIPED Faculty Josiemer Mattei and Visiting Scholar Andrea Lopez-Cepero.

Gordon AR, Egan K, Wang M, Ziyadeh N, Kenney E, Rosario M, Austin SB. Weight-based discrimination and disordered eating behaviors in a cohort of U.S. sexual minority young adults. International Journal of Eating Disorders (Online ahead of print). (Abstract). This study was led by STRIPED Collaborating Mentor Allegra Gordon.

Simone M, Askew AJ, Beccia AL, Cusack CE, Pisetsky EM. “Let the ladies know:” A qualitative study describing queer women’s perceptions of how gender and sexual orientation shape their eating and weight concerns. Culture, Health, and Sexuality (In Press). (Abstract).

Romano KA, Lipson SK, Beccia AL, Quatromoni PA, Gordon AR, Murgueitio J. Disparities in eating disorder symptoms and mental healthcare engagement prior to and following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a national sample of U.S. college students. International Journal of Eating . 2023;56(1):203-215. (Abstract)

Santoso M, Agrawal R, Tiwari K, Manjanatha D, Austin SB, McAdams-Mahmoud A, Craddock N, Raffoul A. Tackling colourism through storytelling in an online course for public health professionals. Health Education Journal. 2023;82(4):430-433.  (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study co-authored with STRIPED trainee Deepa Manjanatha and Visiting Scholar Nadia Craddock.

Chua SN, Craddock N, Rodtanaporn W, Or F, Austin SB. Social media, traditional media, and other body image influences and disordered eating and cosmetic procedures in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Body Image. 2023;45(June):265-272. (Abstract)

Austin SB, Beccia AL, Raffoul A, Jackson DA, Sarda V, Hart JE, Chavarro JE, Rich-Edwards J. Financial precarity, food insecurity, and psychological distress prospectively linked with use of potentially dangerous dietary supplements during the pandemic in the US. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023;5:1120942. (Article). This paper reports the results of a study co-authored by STRIPED trainees Ariel Beccia and Destiny Jackson.

Lopez-Cepero A, Frisard C, Mabry G, Spruill T, Mattei J, Austin SB, Lemon SC, Rosal MC. Association between poor sleep quality and emotional eating in US Latinx adults and the mediating role of negative emotions. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2023;21(2):162-171. (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study led by STRIPED Visiting Scholar Andrea Lopez-Cepero.

Ganson K, Nagata JM, Rodgers RF, Austin SB, Murray S. Prevalence and sociodemographic characteristics of moderate and high engagement in muscle-building exercise among adolescents. Body Image. 2022;42(Sept):263-267. (Abstract).

Vitagliano JA, Beccia A, Mattei J, Cory H, Austin SB. Disproportionate use of over-the-counter diet-pills among Latinx youth and increased use over time among Latinx females: Results of U.S. national study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2022;70(6):993-996. (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study led by STRIPED Advocacy Campaign Manager Julia Vitagliano with collaboration by Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Ariel Beccia and Faculty Dr. Josiemer Mattei.

Beccia AL, Austin SB, Baek J, Agénor M, Forrester S, Ding EY, Jesdale WM, Lapane KL. Cumulative exposure to state-level structural sexism and risk of disordered eating: Results from a 20-year prospective cohort study. Social Science & Medicine. 2022;301(May):114956. (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study led by STRIPED Postdoctoral Fellow Ariel Beccia.

Beccia AL, Baek J, Austin SB, Jesdale WM, Lapane KL. Eating-related pathology at the intersection of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and weight status: An intersectional Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA) of the Growing Up Today Study cohorts. Social Science & Medicine. 2021;281(Jul):114092 (Abstract). This paper reports the results of a study led by STRIPED Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Ariel Beccia. 

Nagata JM, Ganson KT, Austin SB. Emerging trends in eating disorders among sexual and gender minorities. Current Opinions in Psychiatry. 2020;33(6):562-567 (Abstract).

Or F, Austin SB. Authors reply: An uphill battle to keep American youths from harmful dietary supplements. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019;65(5):707-708 (Abstract).

Or F, Kim Y, Simms J, Austin SB. Taking stock of dietary supplements’ harmful effects on children, adolescents, and young adults. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019;65(4):455-461. (Abstract). This research was led by STRIPED Research Fellow Flora Or. Also on the team was STRIPED Trainee and graduate Yongjoo Kim.

Kim Y, Austin SB, Subramanian SV, Thomas JJ, Eddy KT, Franko DL, Rodgers RF, Kawachi I. Risk factors for disordered weight control behaviors among Korean adolescents: Multilevel analysis of the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2018;51(2):124-138 (Article). Yongjoo Kim, a STRIPED trainee and recipient of the STRIPED Early Career Development Award, let the statistical analysis of this complex and groundbreaking database on the health of South Korean youth.

Calzo JP, Austin SB, Micali N. Sexual orientation disparities in eating disorder symptoms among adolescent boys and girls in the United Kingdom. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2018;27(11):1483-1490. (Abstract). This article outlining associations between sexual orientation and eating disorders symptoms for adolescents in the UK was led by STRIPED Collaborating Mentor Jerel Calzo.

Eik-Nes TT, Austin SB, ScD, Blashill AJ, Murray SB, Calzo JP. Prospective health associations of drive for muscularity in young adult males. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2018;51(10):1185-1193. (Abstract). This article was led by STRIPED and SOGIE trainee Trine Tetlie Eik-Nes under the mentorship of STRIPED Collaborating Mentor Jerel Calzo.

Yu KY, Kim Y, Calzo JP, Levinson JA, Austin SB. Sex of sexual partners and disordered weight control behaviors in a nationally representative sample of South Korean adolescents. Psychiatry Research. 2018;262(Apr):1-5 (Abstract). This research, based on the 2015 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey – the largest and most important federal study of adolescent health in South Korea – was led by STRIPED trainee Yongjoo Kim in close collaboration with STRIPED Program Coordinators Kimberly Yu and Jordan Levinson, STRIPED Collaborating Mentor Jerel Calzo, and STRIPED Director Bryn Austin.

Calzo JP, Blashill AJ, Brown TA, Argenal RL. Eating disorders and disordered weight and shape control behaviors in sexual minority populations. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2017;19(8):49. (Article).

Rodgers RF, Peterson KE, Hunt AT, Spadano-Gasbarro JL, Richmond TK, Greaney ML, Austin SB. Racial/ethnic and weight status disparities in dieting and disordered weight control behaviors among early adolescents. Eating Behaviors. 2017;26(Aug):104-107. (Abstract).

Guss CE, Williams DN, Reisner SL, Austin SB, Katz-Wise SL. Disordered weight management behaviors, nonprescription steroid use, and weight perception in transgender youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2017;60(1):17-22 ( Abstract).

Rodgers RF, Watts AW, Austin SB, Haines J, Neumark-Sztainer D. Disordered eating in ethnic/racial minority adolescents with overweight. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2017;50(6):665-71. (Article).

Gordon AR, Austin SB, Krieger N, White Hughto JM, Reisner SL. “I have to constantly prove to myself, to people, that I fit the bill”: Perspectives on weight and shape control behaviors among low-income, ethnically diverse young transgender women. Social Science & Medicine. 2016;165:141-149. (Abstract).

Calzo JP, Sonneville KR, Scherer EA, Jackson B, Austin SB. Gender conformity and use of laxatives and muscle-building products in adolescents and young adults. Pediatrics. 2016;138(2):e20154073 (Abstract)

Calzo JP, Masyn KE, Corliss HL, Scherer EA, Field AE, Austin SB. Patterns of body image concerns and disordered weight-and shape-related behaviors in heterosexual and sexual minority adolescent males. Developmental Psychology. 2015;51(9):1216-1225. (Abstract)

Katz-Wise SL, Scherer EA, Calzo JP, Sarda V, Jackson B, Haines J, Austin SB. Sexual minority stressors, internalizing symptoms, and unhealthy eating behaviors in sexual minority youth. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2015;49(6):839-852. (Abstract)

Austin SB. With transgender health inequities so large and the need so great, the burden is on all of us to find solutions (editorial). Journal of Adolescent Health 2015; 57(2): 133-134. (Abstract)

Garnett BR, Masyn KE, Austin SB, Miller M, Williams DR, Viswanath K. The intersectionality of discrimination attributes and bullying among youth: An applied latent class analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2014;43(8):1225-3. (Abstract) Bernice Garnett, ScD, was our second doctoral graduate from STRIPED. This paper in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence is based on her dissertation research supported by the STRIPED Dissertation Award in Eating Disorders Prevention Research.

Kroshus E, Sherman RE, Thompson RA, Sossin K, Austin SB. Gender differences in high school coaches’ knowledge, attitudes, and communication about the Female Athlete Triad. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention. 2014;22(3):193-208. (Abstract). Emily Kroshus, ScD, was our third doctoral graduate from STRIPED. This paper in Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention is based on her dissertation research supported by the STRIPED Dissertation Award in Eating Disorders Prevention Research.

Calzo JP, Corliss HL, Blood EA, Field AE, Austin SB. Development of muscularity and weight concerns in heterosexual and sexual minority males. Health Psychology. 2013;32(1):42-51. (Abstract)

Austin SB, Nelson LA, Birkett MA, Calzo JP, Everett B. Eating disorder symptoms and obesity at the intersections of gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation identity in U.S. high school students. American Journal of Public Health. 2013;103(2):e16-22. (Abstract)

Wang ML, Walls CE, Peterson KE, Richmond TK, Spadano-Gasbarro J, Greaney ML, Blood E, Mezgebu S, McCormick MC, Subramanian SV, Austin SB. Dietary and physical activity factors related to eating disorder symptoms among middle-school youth. Journal of School Health. 2013;83(1):14-20. (Abstract) Monica Wang, ScD, was our first trainee with STRIPED, and this paper published in Journal of School Health is based on her dissertation research supported by the STRIPED Dissertation Award in Eating Disorders Prevention Research.

Roberto CA, Sysko R, Bush J, Pearl R, Puhl RM, Schvey NA, Dovidio JF. Clinical correlates of the weight bias internalization scale in a sample of obese adolescents seeking bariatric surgery. Obesity. 2012;20(3): 533-539. (Abstract)

Calzo JP, Sonneville KR, Haines J, Blood EA, Field AE & Austin SB (joint senior authors). The development of associations among BMI, body dissatisfaction, and weight and shape concern in adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2012;51(5):517-523. (Abstract)

Sonneville KR, Calzo JP, Horton NJ, Haines J, Austin SB, Field AE. Body satisfaction, weight gain, and binge eating among overweight adolescent girls. International Journal of Obesity 2012; 36(7): 944-949. (Abstract)