Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Advisory Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Prevention, in collaboration with colleagues from the Harvard Chan School, the Office for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (OSAPR) and the Title IX Office, have planned a series of activities to raise awareness, promote engagement, and provide educational tools surrounding issues of sexual and gender-based harassment.

Community Values and Collective Action for Sexual and Gender-based Harassment Prevention
Monday, 2 April 2018 & Wednesday, 4 April 2018 | 12:30-2:00PM
Kresge Atrium/Cafeteria
Join members of the Harvard Chan School’s Advisory Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Prevention to kick off Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April by publicly signing a pledge of our community values related to sexual and gender-based harassment prevention. Stop by our table in the Kresge Atritum/Cafeteria for more information, to meet committee members, and to share your personal commitment to sexual and gender-based harassment prevention in our community.

Title IX: Sexual Harassment, Reporting Requirements and Resources for Staff, Faculty and Academic Appointees
Wednesday, 4 April 2018 | 1:00-2:00PM
Countway, Minot Room
Harvard is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment.  This is an interactive workshop that will walk you through the University Policy and dedicated resources that address and prevent sexual and gender-based harassment, both on and off campus. Realistic hypothetical scenarios include key concepts such as your important role as a “responsible employee” and answers to frequently asked questions.  Advance registration required.

Harvard T. H. Chan Women in Leadership Student Organization 2018 Spring Symposium
Leading by Example: Redefining the dynamics of power
Friday, 6 April 2018 | 12:30- 6:00PM+

Power is dynamic and relative, and the 2018 Harvard T.H. Chan Women in Leadership Symposium aims to explore the coercive structures of power in the professional setting, and their perpetuation through social divisions such as gender, race, sexual orientation and identity, age and class. It is important, as Leaders today and in the future, to learn to recognize and mitigate these patterns, and engage actively in sustaining fair and inclusive professional spaces. We seek to bolster understanding of what this means, by inviting distinguished, strong women leaders to share with us their experiences, learnings, and wisdom moving forward.  Visit for additional information and to register.

OSAPR and Title IX Bystander Training
Thursday, 12 April 2018 | 1:00 – 2:00PM

Kresge 200
What to do when you observe or learn of concerning behavior among your colleagues or students? What are your responsibilities under the University-wide Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy when taking action, when and where do you have agency to intervene, and how might you sometimes feel challenged in confronting problematic behavior? This session is a collaborative effort of the Harvard Chan School Title IX Coordinators & OSAPR to address the challenges and opportunities that come with being a bystander. All students, faculty, academic appointees and staff are welcome; RSVP online today.

Title IX and Beyond: Resources, Law, and Policies for Educators
Friday, 13 April 2018 | 1:00 – 5:00PM

Harvard Graduate School of Education | Eliot Lyman, Longfellow Hall 2nd Floor

This certificate program of OSAPR and the University Title IX Office offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about skills and tools in navigating resources, policies, and laws on sexual and gender-based harassment. Through scenario-based learning and role-playing, workshop participants will be invited to seek solutions for various situations. Students who attend the entire workshop from 1pm to 5pm will receive a certificate of completion. If you have particular requests regarding workshop content, please send an email to Julia Saenz or Nicole Merhill.  RSVP is required and will remain open until 10 April.

OSAPR and Title IX Bystander Training
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 | 1:00 – 2:00PM

Kresge 200
What to do when you observe or learn of concerning behavior among your colleagues or students? What are your responsibilities under the University-wide Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy when taking action, when and where do you have agency to intervene, and how might you sometimes feel challenged in confronting problematic behavior? This session is a collaborative effort of the Harvard Chan School Title IX Coordinators & OSAPR to address the challenges and opportunities that come with being a bystander. All students, faculty, academic appointees and staff are welcome; RSVP online today.

Title IX: Sexual Harassment, Reporting Requirements and Resources for Staff, Faculty and Academic Appointees
Monday, 23 April 2018 | 10:00-11:00AM
FXB Bldg.- Rm G13
Harvard is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment.  This is an interactive workshop that will walk you through the University Policy and dedicated resources that address and prevent sexual and gender-based harassment, both on and off campus. Realistic hypothetical scenarios include key concepts such as your important role as a “responsible employee” and answers to frequently asked questions. Advance registration required.

Harvard Wears Denim
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 | All Day
Join us for our third annual Harvard Wears Denim! Denim Day is to recognize a day in which we stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual violence who are not treated justly. It has its origins with an Italian court case in which a conviction was overturned due to the tightness of the survivor’s jeans and the supposed improbability that the perpetrator could have taken them off without the survivor’s help. Visit  for more info.