Aaron Specht

photo credit: Rick Sheiber and Julia King

My long-term research interests are to develop novel technologies to increase understanding of the role of environmental exposures in human health. My academic background has a strong focus on physics and the sub disciplines of medical and health physics. As a doctoral student, my research involved x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and its uses in public health particularly in identifying individual exposure levels to metals. In my postdoctoral training I will expand my knowledge by developing and applying novel technologies of in vivo metal quantification in targeted and/or storage organs in population health studies, while receiving formal training in environmental health to focus my future technology development in a way to best serve collaborations on health studies and advance the field of environmental health.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

B.S., Honors Physics, Purdue University, 2012
PhD, Medical Physics, Purdue University, 2016