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Sarah Volkman

Principal Research Scientist
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases

Sarah Volkman is a Principal Research Scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health with research interests in malaria biology, drug resistance, and population genetics.  She leads efforts in collaboration with Professor Daouda Ndiaye at the University Cheikh Anta Diop and the International Center for Research and Training in Applied Genomics and Health Surveillance (CIGASS) in Senegal to apply population genetic strategies to identify genetic loci that contribute to drug resistance in malaria, as well to carry out molecular surveillance for ongoing threats including drug resistance, diagnostic failure, and insecticide resistance. Tracking parasite population genetic trends over time and geography using parasite relatedness has identified distinct transmission patterns and trends that help guide partners in the Senegal National Malaria Control Program about intervention selection and targeting. Her collaborative efforts apply malaria molecular surveillance to identify biologically and clinically relevant phenotypes and guide programmatic planning and evaluation.