On February 19, 2013, WGH and the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders (STRIPED) co-sponsored a screening of the documentary “Shredded” by Richard Gaudio and Douglas Taplin. The film followed a group of teenage boys as they try to emulate the muscular physique of their media heroes and exposes the lengths that they will go to do so. The filmmakers offer a candid portrait of the physical, mental, financial, and social consequences of unrealistic appearance pressures and fear of fat in the lives of teenage boys. The screening was followed by a thought-provoking discussion moderated by WGH/STRIPED faculty member Jerel Calzo and MPH student Matias Irarrazaval on the distinctions between healthful physical activity and disorder, potential risk factors, and implications for research and prevention.
Women, Gender, and Health