Predoctoral Alumni (2020-2021)
Joshua Barback
Advisor: Jukka-Pekka Onnela
Joshuat was supported on this grant 2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2018-2019 and currently on a leave of absence. Joshua’s research interests focus on developing methods to utilize smartphone accelerometer data to understand human behavior.
Joshua’s work while appointed to this training program focused on digital phenotyping. In his project with the Onnela Lab at the Harvard Chan School he used the Beiwe research platform to collect raw sensor data from study participant smartphones. A primary goal was to leverage the data to develop refined behavioral phenotypes for social engagement, geographic mobility, physical activity, and characterization of an individual’s environment. The phenotypes were then used to inform his understanding of relevant domains including development and relapse of psychiatric disorders. In order to make best use of smartphone data, he required an assessment of device proximity in order to determine when a phone is being carried. This informs the investigator, for example, when GPS location coordinates actually correspond to the location of the owner. Joshua worked to develop an algorithm for proximity detection using pilot data from the HOPE study. He designed an additional study and collected data to validate this algorithm. He then used this algorithm to improve the methods for assessing geographic mobility which involved a novel combination of both GPS location data and accelerometer data. Past accelerometry-based studies of physical activity have found important insights by considering the durations of active and sedentary behavior. However, the missing data typical of smartphone accelerometry creates special problems when quantifying these durations. Joshua then worked on a project to address this problem using an imputation approach.
Tom Chen
Advisors: Rui Wang and Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen
Tom was supported on this grant from 2015 to 2018) received his Ph.D. in 2018. Dr. Chen’s dissertation was titled, “Robust Methods for Estimating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and for Analyzing Recurrent Event Data”. Tom is currently an Instructor at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Population Medicine at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute.
While appointed to the training grant, Tom’s research interests were clustered intervention trials, semiparametric theory, survival analysis, and stochastic approximation. He worked on five research projects. First, he proposed a doubly-robust semiparametric approach to estimating intraclass correlation in the presence of missing data and a fast-computational implementation for doing so. The second project proposed flexible estimation of random effects and error distributions for variance components models, providing nominal coverage for quantities such as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). ICC is a key metric in exposure studies, as it measures the consistency of repeated exposure measures over time. This work also proposed a test of normality for random effects models and an agreement index based on the ICC. The third project, with fellow student Sam Tracy and Dr. Hajime Uno, posed the problem of highest density regions of survival confidence bands in an optimization framework & develops new confidence bands in this framework. The fourth project, conducted with student collaborator Yan Wang from the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard University, developed a method for estimating the components of the doubly-robust estimator using penalized spline techniques. The fifth project focused on an “evolving ring clustered randomized trial” for HIV prevention. Here, individuals were provided intervention based off their sexual contacts to HIV index cases. These individuals could refuse or drop-out in this study, and Tom developed a framework to account for these two types of missingness when estimating the cluster growth sizes from each index case. While not environmentally related, it allowed Tom to train in missing methods for network inference, a key area of research in many public health research areas.
Leah Comment
Advisor: Corwin Zigler
Leah received her Ph.D. in 2019. Leah’s dissertation was titled, “Bayesian Causal Inference with Intermediates”. Leah is now Director of Decision Sciences at Foundation Medicine, Inc
While appointed to this training grant, Leah’s research focused on methods for intermediate variables data (i.e., with mediation and principal stratification), which can elucidate causal pathways with a focus on facilitating better decision-making in the face of uncertainty. Previous research had looked at time-to- event outcomes subject to truncation by death, a problem that is sometimes referred to as semi-competing risks. Leah’s work introduced two new causal estimands, and described their application to policymaking, and individualized decision support. Because her estimation strategies are all rooted in the Bayesian framework, uncertainty quantification is naturally incorporated.
Irina Degtiar
Advisors: Francesca Dominici and Sherrie Rose
Irina received her Ph.D. in 2021. Dr. Degtiar’s dissertation was titled, “Generalizability Methods for Estimating Causal Population Effects”. She is now a statistician at Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
While appointed to this training grant, Irina worked to compare a variety of causal effect estimators and then assessed the performance of different generalizability estimators that combine individual data across randomized and observational studies. She also completed a literature review of existing generalizability estimators that generalized results from randomized data, and ones that incorporated outcomes across randomized and observational studies. She continued that work and developed generalizability methods and built on machine learning algorithms to assess causal population effects. She compared a variety of causal effect estimators and assessed the performance of different generalizability estimators that combine individual data across randomized and observational studies.
Katrina Devick
Advisors: Brent Coull and Linda Valeri
Katrina received her Ph.D. in 2018. Dr. Devick’s dissertation was titled, “Nonparametric Regression
Methods for Causal Mediation Analysis”. She is currently a Research Associate at Mayo Clinic Arizona.
Research: While appointed to the training grant, Katrina’s research focused on developing new statistical methodology for causal mediation analysis and applying these methods to children’s environmental research. During the 2017-2018 academic year she worked on a project to quantify the impact of in utero exposure to a metal mixture (manganese, arsenic, and lead) on children’s neurodevelopment and to identify potential interventions on intermediate variables to block the harmful effect of the mixture. She also collaborated with postdoctoral fellows in Dr. Rosalind Wright’s group at Mt Sinai to develop generalized additive interaction models to estimate how the association between trauma and various outcomes in children is modified by maternal stress and child sex.
Eric Dunipace
Advisors: Lorenzo Trippa and Jose Zubizarreta
Eric received his Ph.D. in 2021. Eric’s dissertation was titled, “Optimal Transport Methods for Causal Inference, Multisample Testing, and Model Interpretation”. Eric is currently in medical school working towards his M.D at UCLA.
Research: While appointed to the training grant, Eric’s research focused on Bayesian model selection, Bayesian non-parametric methods, and causal inference. He worked with Dr. Trippa on a project that looked for ways to summarize posterior distributions that allow for sparsity to allow for 1) greater communication ease and 2) to allow for model selection should one choose. The goal was to apply this in settings where a researcher may desire assistance in model building or risk communication. In a pollution context, this has application in determining which neighboring power plants are important determinants of local air pollution levels, and models selecting factors in the built environment that are risk factors for health.
Sara Sauer
Advisor: Sebastien Haneuse
Sara received her Ph.D. in 2021. Dr. Sauer’s dissertation was titled, “Cluster-Based Outcome-Dependent Sampling: Inference and Frameworks for Efficient Sampling Designs”. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Medical School.
Research: While appointed to the training grant, Sara’s research interests focused on outcome-dependent sampling, particularly in resource-limited settings. During the period being reported, she worked with Dr. Haneuse on statistical methods related to 1) conducting valid inference with data collected via a cluster- stratified sampling scheme, particularly in small sample settings, and 2) exploring how the use of routinely collected group-level information may be used to inform design considerations (i.e. determining which clusters to sample) for the purpose of gains in statistical efficiency.
Michele Zemplenyi
Advisors: Brent Coull and Jeffrey Miller
Michele received her Ph.D. in 2020. Dr. Zemplyeni’s dissertation was titled, “Functional Data Methods for Environmental Epidemiology and Bayesian Experimental Design for Inferring Causal Structure”. She is now an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management program where she works on federal fleet electrification and energy storage deployment projects to help decarbonize the federal government’s vehicles and facilities. Prior to this position, she was a Project Manager at Urban Ocean Lab, a climate policy think tank for U.S. coastal cities.
Research: While appointed to the training grant, Michele’s research focused on developing statistical methods that reveal how interactions between environmental toxins and the genome affect our health. She worked on a project that aimed to identify epigenetic regions exhibiting critical windows of susceptibility to air pollution using function-on-function regression. Identifying time windows during pregnancy when a fetus is most susceptible to these changes, as well as where in the epigenome these changes occur is a computationally intensive task. She developed a functional data approach that she applied to data the Project Viva cohort. Michele also developed a Bayesian network approach to sequentially design new toxicological experiments designed to identify causal structure within gene networks. Finally, Michele consults on multiple projects helping analyze complex biomedical data, including a project studying the role of prenatal chemical exposures on neurodevelopment in adolescents.
Postdoctoral Alumni (2021-2022)
Aaron Fisher
Advisor: Francesca Dominici
Dr. Fisher is now a Senior Statistical Scientist at Foundation Medicine, Inc., and his research focuses on methods for variable selection in machine learning and artificial intelligence models.
Dr. Fisher’s main project, conducted with Francesca Dominici & Cynthia Rudin, explored how much models can rely on covariates of interest without breaking down. In the course of this project, Dr Fisher developed a theoretical connection between the importance of a binary variable to a model, and the variance of an exposure effect across groups. He extended this work to research on effect heterogeneity, implementing efficient estimation techniques from the influence function literature.
Rachel Nethery
Advisor: Francesca Dominici
Dr. Nethery’s research focuses on causal inference methods for observational data. Her methodological work is motivated by diverse environmental health applications, including the health effects of natural gas infrastructure exposures, the health effects of air pollution exposures, and environmental causes of cancer. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in the Harvard Department of Biostatistics, an Executive Committee member of this training program, and the faculty chair of the Department’s Student Mental Health Working Group.
While appointed to this training program Dr. Nethery worked on causal inference methods to estimate the effects of exposure to natural gas infrastructure on health, to detect spatiotemporal cancer clusters, and to evaluate the health impacts of air pollution regulations. She worked on three major projects. First, she developed novel causal inference methods that allow for improved estimation of the population average causal effect of exposure to natural gas compressor stations on cancer mortality rates. Dr. Nethery compared the methods she developed against existing approaches and found that it out-performed classic methods in the presence of non-overlap, and used this method to perform a novel epidemiological investigation of the causal effects of natural gas compressor station exposure. Second, she developed a causal inference framework for conducting statistical cancer cluster investigations that improves upon the current approach to investigating suspected cancer clusters in several ways. Third, Dr. Nethery worked to develop causal inference methods to evaluate the health impacts of air pollution regulations. The proposed approach utilized her team’s huge, nation-wide dataset of linked pollutant concentrations and Medicare claims data to nonparametrically estimate the number of deaths avoided in the US thanks to simultaneous decreases in multiple air pollutant levels resulting from an implemented regulation.
Corbin Quick
Advisor: Francesca Dominici
Dr Quick’s research focused on developing and applying statistical methods to understand genetic and environmental factors that contribute to risk for complex diseases. Dr. Quick is currently a senior data scientist at Google, Inc.
Dr. Quick developed statistical methods to identify tissues and cell types implicated in the genetic etiology of complex traits and diseases in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and leveraged this information to help decipher which genetic variants are the causal drivers of GWAS association signals. He applied his new methods to suggest pervasive gene-environment interaction (GxE) effects with respect to the cellular environment in which quantitative traits are expressed. He worked with Dr. Xihong Lin, David Christiani, and others to analyze erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) in the UK Biobank, a biobank study of over 500,000 individuals. In another project, he worked with Drs. Lin and Christiani to identify gene- environment interaction (GxE) effects of heavy metal exposure (manganese, lead, and cadmium) on birth outcomes (birth weight and head circumference). The analysis revealed that both PLINK’s and BICS’s GxE test statistics are sensitive to misspecification of exposure effects, and they developed strategies to detect model misspecification and mitigate batch effects in GxE analysis. Finally, he worked to develop an efficient toolkit implemented in C++ for eQTL analysis across multiple tissues and multiple study cohorts, which produced algorithms 10x-100x times faster than existing approaches.
Eric Van Buren
Advisor: Xihong Lin
Dr. Van Buren’s research interests include incorporating single-cell sequencing data into Whole Genome Sequencing data analyses and creating new functional annotations to empower rare variant association discovery. He came to Harvard after completing his doctoral studies funded by an NIEHS-funded T32 at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Dr. Van Buren’s is conducting a project that lies at the intersection of single-cell sequencing technologies and Whole Genome sequencing (WGS) studies. The aim is to incorporate new and existing single-cell sequencing datasets, such as from single-cell RNA-sequencing and single-cell ATAC-sequencing, into existing analysis pipelines for rare variant association studies using large-scale WGS sequencing datasets. Such analyses will allow him to incorporate cell-type-specificity in gene expression and epigenetic signatures which can serve to boost power and increase the scientific relevance of findings. Dr. Van Buren is also interested in applied data analyses in statistical genetics and genomics, such as analyzing single-cell RNA-sequencing data to understand the genetic consequences of exposure to environmental contaminants. He has collaborated with faculty preceptors (Drs. Xihong Lin and Quan Lu) as part of the Harvard Superfund Research Center, analyzing single-cell RNAseq toxicological data with goal of elucidating the adverse impacts of metal exposures on cognitive aging, and the mechanisms by which these effects operate.
Postdoctoral Alumni (2018-2019)
Shirley Liao
Thomas Corbin Madsen
Predoctoral Alumni (2018-2019)
Joseph Lawrence Antonelli (2011-2016)
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Florida
Richard Barfield (2014-2017)
Current Position: Research Fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Krier J, Barfield R, Green RC, Kraft P. Reclassification of genetic-based risk predictions as GWAS data accumulate. Genome Med. 2016 Feb 17;8(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s13073-016-0272-5. PubMed PMID: 26884246; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4756503.
Publications Submitted or in Progress
- Barfield*, J. Shen*, J. Schwartz, A. Baccarelli, T. VanderWeele, and X. Lin, On testing for the indirect effect under the null for mediation analysis. Under revision.
- Barfield, H. Feng, B. Pasaniuc, and P. Kraft. Assessing the genetic effect mediated through gene expression from summary eQTL and GWAS data. In preparation.
- Barfield, A. Baccarelli, X. Lin, Missing mediator analysis. In preparation.
- Barfield, A. Just, J. Schwartz, A. Baccarelli, X. Lin, “Estimated cell type specific associations from whole blood methylation. In preparation.
- R.T. Barfield, B. Cade, R. Saxena, D. Yan, H. Chen, C. Wang S.R. Patel, S. Sunyaev, X. Zhu, S. Gharib, W.C. Johnson, J. Rotter, Y. Liu, X. Lin, S. Redline. EWAS shows DNA methylation association with differences in sleepiness among African Americans. In preparation.
- *R.T. Barfield, *J. Carmona, T. Panni, J. Nwanaji-Enwerem, A. Just, J. Hutchinson, E. Colicino, S. Karrasch, S. Wahl, S. Kunze, N. Jafari, Y. Zheng, L. Hou, D. DeMeo, A. Litonjua, P. Vokonas, A. Peters, X. Lin, J. Schwartz, H. Schulz, A. Baccarelli. Metastable DNA methylation sites associated with longitudinal lung function decline and aging in humans: an epigenome-wide study in the NAS and KORA cohorts. In preparation.
Ryan Sun (2014-2017)
Publication Associated with Training
- Sun, R., Carroll, R.J., Christiani, D.C., and Lin, X. Testing for gene-environment interaction under misspecification of the environment. Biometrics 2017, conditionally accepted.
Publications in Progress
- Wang, Z., Christiani, D.C., Claus-Henn, B., Wang, C., Wei, Y., Su, L., Sun, R., Wagner, P.J., Lu, Q., and Lin, X. Genome-wide gene by Pb exposure interaction analysis identies UNC5D as candidate gene for neurodevelopment, revision submitted.
- Sun, R., Kraft, P., and Lin, X. The Generalized Berk-Jones statistic for SNP-set testing in genetic association studies, in preparation.
- Sun, R., Gaynor S., Quackenbush, J., and Lin, X. Identifying prognostic pathways in breast and ovarian cancer with the Generalized Berk-Jones statistic, in preparation.
- Sun, R., Lin, X., and Kraft, P. Pathway analysis using genome-wide association study summary statistics, in preparation.
- Sun, R., Wang, Z., and Christiani, D.C. Prenatal arsenic exposure and birth outcomes in Bangladesh infants, in preparation.
Godwin Yung (2013-2014)
Publications Associated with Training
- Yung G, Lin X. Validity of using ad hoc methods to analyze secondary traits in case-control association studies. Genet Epidemiol. 2016 Dec;40(8):732-743. PMCID: PMC5170877.
- Chan LW, Lin X, Yung G, Lui T, Chiu YM, Wang F, Tsui NB, Cho WC, Yip SP, Siu PM, Wong SC, Yung BY. Novel structural co-expression analysis linking the NPM1-associated ribosomal biogenesis network to chronic myelogenous leukemia. Sci Rep. 2015 Jul 24;5:10973. PMCID: PMC4513283.
Publication in Progress
- Yung, G., Cade, B., Kowgier, M., et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of obstructive sleep apnea identifies novel susceptibility loci.In preparation.
Jack Cackler (2012-2013)
Current Position: Data Scientist, Facebook
Joseph Lawrence Antonelli (2011-2016)
Current Position: Research Fellow, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Publications while in training include:
- Antonelli J, Zigler C, Dominici F. Guided Bayesian imputation to adjust for confounding when combining heterogeneous data sources in comparative effectiveness research. Biostatistics. 2017 Mar 3. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxx003. [Epub ahead of print] PMCID in Progress
- Antonelli, JL, Schwartz J, Kloog I, Coull B. Spatial Multiresolution Analysis of the Effect of PM2.5 on Birth Weights. Annals of Applied Statistics. In press.
Antonelli, JL, Trippa L, Haneuse S. Mitigating bias in generalized linear mixed models: The case for Bayesian nonparametrics. Statistical Science 2016; 31.1: 80-95. PMCID in Progress - Antonelli J, Cefalu M, Bornn L. The positive effects of population-based preferential sampling in environmental epidemiology. Biostatistics. 2016 Oct;17(4):764-78. PMCID in Progress.
- Makar M, Antonelli, JL* (Co-first author), Di Q, Cutler D, Schwartz J, Dominici F. Estimating the Causal Effect of Fine Particulate Matter Levels on Death and Hospitalization: Are Levels Below the Safety Standards Harmful?. Epidemiology. To appear.
Shelley Han Liu (2013-2016)
Liu SH, Erion G, Novitsky V, De Gruttola V. Viral Genetic Linkage Analysis in the Presence of Missing Data. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 24;10(8) PMCID: PMC4547719.
Publications in Preparation Associated with Training
- Liu S.H., Bobb J.F., Lee K.H., Gennings C., Claus Henn B., Bellinger, D., Austin, C., Schnaas L., Tellez-Rojo M., Wright, R.O., Arora M., Coull, B.A. Lagged Kernel Machine Regression for Identifying Time Windows of Susceptibility to Complex Metal Mixtures. Under Revision for Biostatistics.
- Liu S.H., Bobb, J.F., Schnaas, L., Tellez-Rojo, M., Bellinger, D., Arora, M., Wright, R., Coull B.A. Bayesian Varying Coefficient Kernel Machine Regression for Longitudinal Data to Assess Health Effects of Exposures to Toxicant Mixtures. Submitted to Statistics in Medicine
- Liu S.H., Bobb, J.F., Schnaas, L., Tellez-Rojo, M., Arora, M., Wright, R.O., Coull B.A., Wand M.P. Variational Bayesian Inference for Lagged Kernel Machine Regression, with Applications to Children’s Environmental Health. Submitted to Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
Patrick Staples (2011-2015)
Publications while in training include:
- Balzer L, Staples P, Onnela JP, DeGruttola V. Using a network-based approach and targeted maximum likelihood estimation to evaluate the effect of adding pre-exposure prophylaxis to an ongoing test-and-treat trial. Clin Trials. 2017 Apr;14(2):201-210. doi: 10.1177/1740774516679666. Epub 2017 Jan 26. PMCID: PMC5377920.
- Torous J, Staples P, Fenstermacher E, Dean J, Keshavan M. Corrigendum: Barriers, Benefits, and Beliefs of Brain Training Smartphone Apps: An Internet Survey of Younger US Consumers. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Jun 2;10:253. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00253. eCollection 2016. PMCID: PMC4889587.
- Staples PC, Ogburn EL, Onnela JP. Incorporating Contact Network Structure in Cluster Randomized Trials. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 3;5:17581. doi: 10.1038/srep17581.PMCID: PMC4668393.
- Torous J, Staples P, Shanahan M, Lin C, Peck P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Utilizing a Personal Smartphone Custom App to Assess the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. JMIR Ment Health. 2015 Mar 24;2(1):e8. doi: 10.2196/mental.3889. eCollection 2015 Jan-Mar. PMCID: PMC4607379.
- Torous J, Staples P, Onnela JP. Realizing the potential of mobile mental health: new methods for new data in psychiatry. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2015 Aug;17(8):602. doi: 10.1007/s11920-015-0602-0. PMCID: PMC4608747.
Elizabeth Elaine Smoot Malecha (2010-2015)
- Current Position: Senior Biostatistician, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Publications while in training include:
- Smoot E, Haneuse S. On the analysis of hybrid designs that combine group- and individual-level data. Biometrics. 2015 Mar;71(1):227-36. PMCID: PMC4445683.
Tristan Jonathan Hayeck (2010-2015)
- Current Position: Staff Scientist New York Genome Center
- Publications while in training include:
- Hayeck TJ, Loh PR, Pollack S, Gusev A, Patterson N, Zaitlen NA, Price AL. Mixed Model Association with Family-Biased Case-Control Ascertainment. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Jan 5;100(1):31-39. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.11.015. Epub 2016 Dec 22. PMCID: PMC5223022.
- Vilhjálmsson BJ, Yang J, Finucane HK, Gusev A, Lindström S, Ripke S, Genovese G, Loh PR, Bhatia G, Do R, Hayeck T, Won HH; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Discovery, Biology, and Risk of Inherited Variants in Breast Cancer (DRIVE) study., Kathiresan S, Pato M, Pato C, Tamimi R, Stahl E, Zaitlen N, Pasaniuc B, Belbin G, Kenny EE, Schierup MH, De Jager P,
Patsopoulos NA, McCarroll S, Daly M, Purcell S, Chasman D, Neale B, Goddard M, Visscher PM, Kraft P, Patterson N, Price AL. Modeling Linkage Disequilibrium Increases Accuracy of Polygenic Risk Scores. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Oct 1;97(4):576-92. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.09.001. PMCID: PMC4596916. - Hayeck TJ, Zaitlen NA, Loh PR, Vilhjalmsson B, Pollack S, Gusev A, Yang J, Chen GB, Goddard ME, Visscher PM, Patterson N, Price AL. Mixed model with correction for case-control ascertainment increases association power. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 May 7;96(5):720-30. . Epub 2015 Apr 16. PMCID: PMC4570278.
- Kong CY, Nattinger KJ, Hayeck TJ, Omer ZB, Wang YC, Spechler SJ, McMahon PM, Gazelle GS, Hur C. The impact of obesity on the rise in esophageal adenocarcinoma incidence: estimates from a disease simulation model. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Nov;20(11):2450-6 PMCID: PMC3382986.
- Hayeck TJ, Kong CY, Spechler SJ, Gazelle GS, Hur C. The prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus in the US: estimates from a simulation model confirmed by SEER data. Dis Esophagus. 2010 Aug;23(6):451-7 PMCID: PMC2896446.
Hur C, Hayeck TJ, Yeh JM, Richards EB, Spechler SJ, Gazelle GS, Kong CY. Development, calibration, and validation of a U.S. white male population-based simulation model of esophageal adenocarcinoma. PLoS One. 2010 Mar 1;5(3): PMCID: PMC2830429.
Matthew Steven Cefalu (2010-2013)
- Current Position: Associate Statistician, RAND Corporation
- Publications while in training include:
- Antonelli J, Cefalu M, Bornn L. The positive effects of population-based preferential sampling in environmental epidemiology. Biostatistics. 2016 Oct;17(4):764-78. PMCID in progress.
- Arvold ND, Cefalu M, Wang Y, Zigler C, Schrag D, Dominici F. Comparative effectiveness of radiotherapy with vs. without temozolomide in older patients with glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2017 Jan;131(2):301-311 PMCID: PMC5303537.
- Cefalu M, Dominici F. Does exposure prediction bias health-effect estimation?: The relationship between confounding adjustment and exposure prediction. Epidemiology. 2014 Jul;25(4):583-90. Erratum in: Epidemiology. 2015 Mar;26(2):e30. PMCID: PMC4206696.
- Cefalu M, Dominici F, Arvold N, Parmigiani G. Model averaged double robust estimation. Biometrics. 2016 Nov 28. doi: 10.1111/biom.12622. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27893927.
- Dominici F, Cefalu M. Confounding adjustment and exposure prediction in environmental epidemiology: additional insights. Epidemiology. 2015 Mar;26(2):e28. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000231. PubMed PMID: 25643119.
- Hammerling D, Cefalu M, Cisewski J, Dominici F, Parmigiani G, Paulson C, Smith RL. Completing the results of the 2013 Boston marathon. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 11;9(4):e93800. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093800. eCollection 2014. PMCID: PMC3984103.
Stacey Elizabeth Alexeeff (2011-2016)
- Current Position: Research Scientist, Biostatistician Division of Research Kaiser Permanente
- Publications while in training include:
- Alexeeff SE, Carroll RJ, Coull B. Spatial measurement error and correction by spatial SIMEX in linear regression models when using predicted air pollution exposures. Biostatistics. 2016 Apr;17(2):377-89. PMCID: PMC4834950.
- Alexeeff SE, Pfister GG, Nychka D. A Bayesian model for quantifying the change in mortality associated with future ozone exposures under climate change. Biometrics. 2016 Mar;72(1):281-8. PubMed PMID: 26302149. PMCID in Progress
- Alexeeff SE, Schwartz J, Kloog I, Chudnovsky A, Koutrakis P, Coull BA. Consequences of kriging and land use regression for PM2.5 predictions in epidemiologic analyses: insights into spatial variability using high- resolution satellite data. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2015 Mar-Apr;25(2):138-44. PMCID: PMC4758216.
- Colicino E, Power MC, Cox DG, Weisskopf MG, Hou L, Alexeeff SE, Sanchez-Guerra M, Vokonas P, Spiro A 3rd, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Mitochondrial haplogroups modify the effect of black carbon on age-related cognitive impairment. Environ Health. 2014 May 30;13(1):42. PMCID: PMC4049407.
- Alexeeff SE, Baccarelli AA, Halonen J, Coull BA, Wright RO, Tarantini L, Bollati V, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Association between blood pressure and DNA methylation of retrotransposons and pro- inflammatory genes. Int J Epidemiol. 2013 Feb;42(1):270-80. PMCID: PMC3600626.
- Power MC, Weisskopf MG, Alexeeff SE, Wright RO, Coull BA, Spiro A 3rd, Schwartz J. Modification by hemochromatosis gene polymorphisms of the association between traffic-related air pollution and cognition in older men: a cohort study. Environ Health. 2013 Feb 15;12:16. PMCID: PMC3599892.
- Schwartz J, Alexeeff SE, Mordukhovich I, Gryparis A, Vokonas P, Suh H, Coull BA. Association between long- term exposure to traffic particles and blood pressure in the Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study. Occup Environ Med. 2012 Jun;69(6):422-7. PMCID: PMC3597742.
- Fang SC, Mehta AJ, Alexeeff SE, Gryparis A, Coull B, Vokonas P, Christiani DC, Schwartz J. Residential black carbon exposure and circulating markers of systemic inflammation in elderly males: the normative aging study. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 May;120(5):674-80. PMCID: PMC3346771.
- Wilker EH, Alexeeff SE, Suh H, Vokonas PS, Baccarelli A, Schwartz J. Ambient pollutants, polymorphisms associated with microRNA processing and adhesion molecules: the Normative Aging Study. Environ Health. 2011 May 21;10:45. PMCID: PMC3124411.
- Alexeeff SE, Coull BA, Gryparis A, Suh H, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Medium-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and markers of inflammation and endothelial function. Environ Health Perspect. 2011 Apr;119(4):481-6. PMCID: PMC3080929.
- Power MC, Weisskopf MG, Alexeeff SE, Coull BA, Spiro A 3rd, Schwartz J.Traffic-related air pollution and cognitive function in a cohort of older men. Environ Health Perspect. 2011 May;119(5):682-7. PMCID: PMC3094421.
Mark John Meyer (2009-2014)
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University
- Publications while in training include:
- Meyer MJ, Coull BA, Versace F, Cinciripini P, Morris JS. Bayesian function-on-function regression for multilevel functional data. Biometrics. 2015 Sep;71(3):563-74. doi: 10.1111/biom.12299. Epub 2015 Mar 18. PMCID: PMC4575250.
- Meyer, MJ, Morris, JS, Hersh, CP, Morrow, JD, Lange, C, and Coull, BA. Ordinal Probit Wavelet-based Functional Models for eQTL Analysis, under revision in Biostatistics.
- Meyer, MJ, Malloy, EJ, and Coull, BA. Bayesian Historical Functional Mixed Models for Repeated Measures, in preparation.
- Meyer, MJ, Gazes, RP, and Coull, BA. A Class of Zero-Inflated Function-on-Scalar Regression Models, in preparation.
- Meyer, MJ, Gazes, RP, and Coull, BA. Bayesian Zero-Inflated Poisson Function-on-Scalar Regression for Repeated Functional Count Data, in preparation.
- Meyer, MJ, Wellenius, GA, Coull, BA, and McNeely, E. Heart Rate Variability and Aircraft Cabin Pressure In Older and Vulnerable Passengers, in preparation.
- Zemplenyi, M, Meyer, MJ, …, and Coull, BA. Wavelet-based Function-on-Function Regression for Environmental Exposure in Epigenetics, in preparation.
- Antonelli, J, Meyer, MJ, Schwartz, JS, and Coull, BA. A curvelet-based approach to modeling daily ambient pollution in New England, in preparation.
Travis Alan Gerke (2009-2011)
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of Florida
- Publications while in training include: n/a
Kate Junae Fisher (2009-2011)
- Current Position: Biostatistician II, PAREXEL International Corporation
- Publications while in training include:
- Wright RJ, Fisher K, Chiu YH, Wright RO, Fein R, Cohen S, Coull BA. Disrupted prenatal maternal cortisol, maternal obesity, and childhood wheeze. Insights into prenatal programming. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 Jun 1;187(11):1186-93. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201208-1530OC. PubMed PMID: 23590260; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4412399.
Andrew William Correia (2008-2013)
- Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, SessionM
- Publications while in training include:
- Correia AW, Pope CA 3rd, Dockery DW, Wang Y, Ezzati M, Dominici F. Effect of air pollution control on life expectancy in the United States: an analysis of 545 U.S. counties for the period from 2000 to 2007. Epidemiology. 2013 Jan;24(1):23-31. PMCID: PMC3521092.
- Correia AW, Wang Y, Dominici F, Pope CA 3rd, Dockery DW, Ezzati M. “Threshold findings” in an ecological study. Epidemiology. 2013 Jul;24(4):628. PMCID:PMC4706731.
- Correia AW, Peters JL, Levy JI, Melly S, Dominici F. Residential exposure to aircraft noise and hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases: multi-airport retrospective study. BMJ. 2013 Oct 8;347:f5561. PMCID: PMC3805481.
- Cheng S, Claggett B, Correia AW, Shah AM, Gupta DK, Skali H, Ni H, Rosamond WD, Heiss G, Folsom AR, Coresh J, Solomon SD. Temporal trends in the population attributable risk for cardiovascular disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Circulation. 2014 Sep 2;130(10):820-8. Epub 2014 Aug 11.PMCID: PMC4161984.
Dominici F, Wang Y, Correia AW, Ezzati M, Pope CA 3rd, Dockery DW. Chemical Composition of Fine Particulate Matter and Life Expectancy: In 95 US Counties Between 2002 and 2007. Epidemiology. 2015 Jul;26(4):556-64. PMCID: PMC4742572.
Lauren Brooke Hund (2007-2012)
- Current Position: Statistician, Sandia National Laboratories
- Publications while in training include:
- Hund L, Chen JT, Krieger N, Coull BA. A geostatistical approach to large- scale disease mapping with temporal misalignment. Biometrics. 2012 Sep;68(3):849-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1541- 0420.2011.01721.x. Epub 2011 Dec 16. PubMed PMID: 22171647; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4104681.
- Hedt-Gauthier BL, Mitsunaga T, Hund L, Olives C, Pagano M. The effect of clustering on lot quality assurance sampling: a probabilistic model to calculate sample sizes for quality assessments. Emerg Themes Epidemiol. 2013 Oct 26;10(1):11. doi: 10.1186/1742- 7622-10-11. PubMed PMID: 24160725; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3819670.
- Hund L, Pagano M. Extending cluster lot quality assurance sampling designs for surveillance programs. Stat Med. 2014 Jul 20;33(16):2746-57. doi: 10.1002/sim.6145. Epub 2014 Mar 17. PubMed PMID: 24633656; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4047169.
- Hund L, Bedrick EJ, Pagano M. Choosing a Cluster Sampling Design for Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Surveys. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 30;10(6):e0129564. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129564. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 26125967; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4488393.
Jamie Hyung Woo Choi (2007-2009)
Current Position: Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau
Publications while in training include:
- Choi JH, Ryan LM, Cramer DW, Hornstein MD, Missmer SA. Effects of Caffeine Consumption by Women and Men on the Outcome of In Vitro Fertilization. J Caffeine Res. 2011 Mar;1(1):29- 34. PubMed PMID: 24761261; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3621346.
Sharon Marie Lutz (2006-2010)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, University of Colorado
Publications while in training include:
- Vansteelandt S, Goetgeluk S, Lutz S, Waldman I, Lyon H, Schadt EE, Weiss ST, Lange C. On the adjustment for covariates in genetic association analysis: a novel, simple principle to infer direct causal effects. Genet Epidemiol. 2009 Jul;33(5):394-405. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20393. PubMed PMID: 19219893. NIHMS ID: NIHMS875773
- Aschard H, Lutz S, Maus B, Duell EJ, Fingerlin TE, Chatterjee N, Kraft P, Van Steen K. Challenges and opportunities in genome- wide environmental interaction (GWEI) studies. Hum Genet. 2012 Oct;131(10):1591-613. doi: 10.1007/s00439-012-1192-0. Epub 2012 Jul 4. Review. PubMed PMID: 22760307; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3677711.
- Lutz S, Yip WK, Hokanson J, Laird N, Lange C. A general semi- parametric approach to the analysis of genetic association studies in population-based designs. BMC Genet. 2013 Feb 28;14:13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-14-13. PubMed PMID: 23448186; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3648382.
- Hersh CP, Washko GR, Estepar RS, Lutz S, Friedman PJ, Han MK, Hokanson JE, Judy PF, Lynch DA, Make BJ, Marchetti N, Newell JD Jr, Sciurba FC, Crapo JD, Silverman EK; COPDGene Investigators. Paired inspiratory-expiratory chest CT scans to assess for small airways disease in COPD. Respir Res. 2013 Apr 8;14:42. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-14-42. PubMed PMID: 23566024; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3627637.
- Lutz SM, Fingerlin T, Fardo DW. Statistical Approaches to Combine Genetic Association Data. J Biom Biostat. 2013 Jun 1;4(3):1000166. PubMed PMID: 24009987; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3760734.
- Lutz SM, Vansteelandt S, Lange C. Testing for direct genetic effects using a screening step in family-based association studies. Front Genet. 2013 Nov 21;4:243. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00243. eCollection 2013. PubMed PMID: 24312120; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3836057.
- Putcha N, Han MK, Martinez CH, Foreman MG, Anzueto AR, Casaburi R, Cho MH, Hanania NA, Hersh CP, Kinney GL, Make BJ, Steiner RM, Lutz SM, Thomashow BM, Williams AA, Bhatt SP, Beaty TH, Bowler RP, Ramsdell JW, Curtis JL, Everett D, Hokanson JE, Lynch DA, Sutherland ER, Silverman EK, Crapo JD, Wise RA, Regan EA, Hansel NN; the COPDGene® Investigators. Comorbidities of COPD have a major impact on clinical outcomes, particularly in African Americans. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2014;1(1):105-114. PubMed PMID: 25695106; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4329763.
- Kinney GL, Black-Shinn JL, Wan ES, Make B, Regan E, Lutz S, Soler X, Silverman EK, Crapo J, Hokanson JE; COPDGene Investigators. Pulmonary function reduction in diabetes with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Diabetes Care. 2014 Feb;37(2):389-95. doi: 10.2337/dc13-1435. Epub 2013 Sep 11. PubMed PMID: 24026562; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3898761.
- McDonald ML, Diaz AA, Ross JC, San Jose Estepar R, Zhou L, Regan EA, Eckbo E, Muralidhar N, Come CE, Cho MH, Hersh CP, Lange C, Wouters E, Casaburi RH, Coxson HO, Macnee W, Rennard SI, Lomas DA, Agusti A, Celli BR, Black-Shinn JL, Kinney GL, Lutz SM, Hokanson JE, Silverman EK, Washko GR. Quantitative computed tomography measures of pectoralis muscle area and disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A cross-sectional study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2014 Mar;11(3):326- 34. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201307-229OC. PubMed PMID: 24558953; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4028743.
- Cho MH, McDonald ML, Zhou X, Mattheisen M, Castaldi PJ, Hersh CP, Demeo DL, Sylvia JS, Ziniti J, Laird NM, Lange C, Litonjua AA, Sparrow D, Casaburi R, Barr RG, Regan EA, Make BJ, Hokanson JE, Lutz S, Dudenkov TM, Farzadegan H, Hetmanski JB, Tal-Singer R, Lomas DA, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Crapo JD, Silverman EK, Beaty TH; NETT Genetics, ICGN, ECLIPSE and COPDGene Investigators. Risk loci for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a genome-wide association study and meta-analysis. Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Mar;2(3):214-25. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(14)70002-5. Epub 2014 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 24621683; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4176924.
- Castaldi PJ, Dy J, Ross J, Chang Y, Washko GR, Curran-Everett D, Williams A, Lynch DA, Make BJ, Crapo JD, Bowler RP, Regan EA, Hokanson JE, Kinney GL, Han MK, Soler X, Ramsdell JW, Barr RG, Foreman M, van Beek E, Casaburi R, Criner GJ, Lutz SM, Rennard SI, Santorico S, Sciurba FC, DeMeo DL, Hersh CP, Silverman EK, Cho MH. Cluster analysis in the COPDGene study identifies subtypes of smokers with distinct patterns of airway disease and emphysema. Thorax. 2014 May;69(5):415-22. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203601. Epub 2014 Feb 21. PubMed PMID: 24563194; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4004338.
- Lutz SM, Hokanson JE, Lange C. An alternative hypothesis testing strategy for secondary phenotype data in case-control genetic association studies. Front Genet. 2014 Jul 1;5:188. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00188. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 25071819; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4076613.
- Hersh CP, Make BJ, Lynch DA, Barr RG, Bowler RP, Calverley PM, Castaldi PJ, Cho MH, Coxson HO, DeMeo DL, Foreman MG, Han MK, Harshfield BJ, Hokanson JE, Lutz S, Ramsdell JW, Regan EA, Rennard SI, Schroeder JD, Sciurba FC, Steiner RM, Tal-Singer R, van Beek E Jr, Silverman EK, Crapo JD; COPDGene and ECLIPSE Investigators. Non- emphysematous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with diabetes mellitus. BMC Pulm Med. 2014 Oct 24;14:164. doi: 10.1186/1471-2466-14-164. PubMed PMID: 25341556; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4216374.
- Marchetti N, Garshick E, Kinney GL, McKenzie A, Stinson D, Lutz SM, Lynch DA, Criner GJ, Silverman EK, Crapo JD; COPDGene Investigators. Association between occupational exposure and lung function, respiratory symptoms, and high-resolution computed tomography imaging in COPDGene. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Oct 1;190(7):756-62. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201403-0493OC. PubMed PMID: 25133327; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4299608.
- McDonald ML, Cho MH, S0rheim IC, Lutz SM, Castaldi PJ, Lomas DA, Coxson HO, Edwards LD, MacNee W, Vestbo J, Yates JC, Agusti A, Calverley PM, Celli B, Crim C, Rennard SI, Wouters EF, Bakke P, Tal- Singer R, Miller BE, Gulsvik A, Casaburi R, Wells JM, Regan EA, Make BJ, Hokanson JE, Lange C, Crapo JD, Beaty TH, Silverman EK, Hersh CP; Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints and COPDGene Investigators. Common genetic variants associated with resting oxygenation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Nov;51(5):678-87. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2014- 0135OC. PubMed PMID: 24825563; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4224086.
- Zhou JJ, Cho MH, Lange C, Lutz S, Silverman EK, Laird NM. Integrating Multiple Correlated Phenotypes for Genetic Association Analysis by Maximizing Heritability. Hum Hered. 2015;79(2):93-104. doi: 10.1159/000381641. Epub 2015 Jun 20. PubMed PMID: 26111731; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4508328.
- Jaramillo JD, Wilson C, Stinson DS, Lynch DA, Bowler RP, Lutz S, Bon JM, Arnold B, McDonald ML, Washko GR, Wan ES, DeMeo DL, Foreman MG, Soler X, Lindsay SE, Lane NE, Genant HK, Silverman EK, Hokanson JE, Make BJ, Crapo JD, Regan EA; COPDGene Investigators. Reduced Bone Density and Vertebral Fractures in Smokers. Men and COPD Patients at Increased Risk. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 May;12(5):648-56. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201412-591OC. Erratum in: Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Jul;12(7):1112. Stinson, Douglas J [corrected to Douglas S]. PubMed PMID: 25719895; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4418341.
- Lutz SM, Cho MH, Young K, Hersh CP, Castaldi PJ, McDonald ML, Regan E, Mattheisen M, DeMeo DL, Parker M, Foreman M, Make BJ, Jensen RL, Casaburi R, Lomas DA, Bhatt SP, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Crapo JD, Beaty TH, Laird NM, Lange C, Hokanson JE, Silverman EK; ECLIPSE Investigators.; COPDGene Investigators. A genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for spirometric measures among smokers of European and African ancestry. BMC Genet. 2015 Dec 3;16:138. doi: 10.1186/s12863-015-0299-4. PubMed PMID: 26634245; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4668640.
- Kinney GL, Baker EH, Klein OL, Black-Shinn JL, Wan ES, Make B, Regan E, Bowler RP, Lutz SM, Young KA, Duca LM, Washko GR, Silverman EK, Crapo JD, Hokanson JE. Pulmonary Predictors of Incident Diabetes in Smokers. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2016;3(4):739-747. PubMed PMID: 27795984; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5084840.
- Sun W, Kechris K, Jacobson S, Drummond MB, Hawkins GA, Yang J, Chen TH, Quibrera PM, Anderson W, Barr RG, Basta PV, Bleecker ER, Beaty T, Casaburi R, Castaldi P, Cho MH, Comellas A, Crapo JD, Criner G, Demeo D, Christenson SA, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Doerschuk CM, Freeman CM, Gouskova NA, Han MK, Hanania NA, Hansel NN, Hersh CP, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Lutz S, Martinez FJ, Meyers DA, Peters SP, Regan EA, Rennard SI, Scholand MB, Silverman EK, Woodruff PG, O’Neal WK, Bowler RP; SPIROMICS Research Group.; COPDGene Investigators. Common Genetic Polymorphisms Influence Blood Biomarker Measurements in COPD. PLoS Genet. 2016 Aug 17;12(8):e1006011. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006011. eCollection 2016 Aug. PubMed PMID: 27532455; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4988780.
- Begum F, Ruczinski I, Hokanson JE, Lutz SM, Parker MM, Cho MH, Hetmanski JB, Scharpf RB, Crapo JD, Silverman EK, Beaty TH. Hemizygous Deletion on Chromosome 3p26.1 Is Associated with Heavy Smoking among African American Subjects in the COPDGene Study. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 6;11(10):e0164134. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164134. eCollection 2016. PubMed PMID: 27711239; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5053531.
- Boueiz A, Lutz SM, Cho MH, Hersh CP, Bowler RP, Washko GR, Halper- Stromberg E, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Laird NM, Beaty TH, Coxson HO, Crapo JD, Silverman EK, Castaldi PJ, DeMeo DL; COPDGene and ECLIPSE Investigators. Genome-Wide Association Study of the Genetic Determinants of Emphysema Distribution. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar 15;195(6):757- 771. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201605-0997OC. PubMed PMID: 27669027; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5363968.
- Qiao D, Lange C, Laird NM, Won S, Hersh CP, Morrow J, Hobbs BD, Lutz SM, Ruczinski I, Beaty TH, Silverman EK, Cho MH. Gene- based segregation method for identifying rare variants in family- based sequencing studies. Genet Epidemiol. 2017 May;41(4):309- 319. doi: 10.1002/gepi.22037. Epub 2017 Feb 13. PubMed PMID: 28191685; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5397337.
Quanhong Lei (2006-2011)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, University of Colorado
- Mendell MJ, Cozen M, Lei-Gomez Q, Brightman HS, Erdmann CA, Girman JR, Womble SE. Indicators of moisture and ventilation system contamination in U.S. office buildings as risk factors for respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms: analyses of the EPA BASE data. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2006 May;3(5):225-33. PubMed PMID: 16574606. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
- Fisk WJ, Lei-Gomez Q, Mendell MJ. Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes. Indoor Air. 2007 Aug;17(4):284-96. Review. PubMed PMID: 17661925. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
- Mendell MJ, Lei-Gomez Q, Mirer AG, Seppanen O, Brunner G. Risk factors in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for occupant symptoms in US office buildings: the US EPA BASE study. Indoor Air. 2008 Aug;18(4):301-16. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- 0668.2008.00531.x. Epub 2008 May 20. PubMed PMID: 18492050. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
- Rotnitzky A, Lei Q, Sued M, Robins JM. Improved double-robust estimation in missing data and causal inference models. Biometrika. 2012 Jun;99(2):439-456. Epub 2012 Apr 29. PubMed PMID: 23843666; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3635709.
Lee Herbrandson Dicker (2006-2010)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Biostatistics, Rutgers University
Publications while in training include:
- Dicker L, Lin X. Discussion of ‘Parametric versus nonparametrics: two alternative methodologies. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2009 May; 21(4):415-417. PMCID: N/A (not peer reviewed)
- Dicker L, Lin X, Ivanov AR. Increased power for the analysis of label-free LC-MS/MS proteomics data by combining spectral counts and peptide peak attributes. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2010 Dec;9(12):2704-18. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M110.002774. Epub 2010 Sep 7. PubMed PMID: 20823122; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3101957.
- Fu S, Yang L, Li P, Hofmann O, Dicker L, Hide W, Lin X, Watkins SM, Ivanov AR, Hotamisligil GS. Aberrant lipid metabolism disrupts calcium homeostasis causing liver endoplasmic reticulum stress in obesity. Nature. 2011 May 26;473(7348):528-31. doi: 10.1038/nature09968. Epub 2011 May 1. PubMed PMID: 21532591; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3102791.
- Dicker L, Lin X. Parallelism, uniqueness, and large-sample asymptotics for the Dantzig selector. Can J Stat. 2013 Mar 1;41(1):23-35. PubMed PMID: 23589664; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3625047.
- Li Y, Dicker L, Zhao SD. The Dantzig Selector for Censored Linear Regression Models. Stat Sin. 2014 Jan 1;24(1):251-2568. PubMed PMID: 24478569; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3903419.
Alfa Ibrahim Yansane (2005-2012)
Current Position: Instructor / Biostatistician, Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Publications while in training include: n/a
Loni Patrice Tabb (2005-2010)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Drexel University
Publications while in training include:
- Tabb LP, Tchetgen EJ, Wellenius GA, Coull BA. Marginalized zero- altered models for longitudinal count data. Stat Biosci. 2016 Oct;8(2):181- 203. Epub 2015 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 27867423; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5111636.
Tabb LP, Tchetgen EJ, Wellenius GA, Coull BA. Marginalized zero- altered models for longitudinal count data. Stat Biosci. 2016 Oct;8(2):181-203. Epub 2015 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 27867423; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5111636.
Rain Cui (2005-2011)
Current Position: Director, Tyco Ventures
Publications while in training include: n/a
Michael Chiao-An Wu (2004-2009)
Current Position: Assistant Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Publications while in training include:
- Harezlak J, Wu MC, Wang M, Schwartzman A, Christiani DC, Lin X. Biomarker discovery for arsenic exposure using functional data. Analysis and feature learning of mass spectrometry proteomic data. J Proteome Res. 2008 Jan;7(1):217-24. doi: 10.1021/pr070491n. Epub 2008 Jan 4. PubMed PMID: 18173220. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
- Wu MC, Zhang L, Wang Z, Christiani DC, Lin X. Sparse linear discriminant analysis for simultaneous testing for the significance of a gene set/pathway and gene selection. Bioinformatics. 2009 May 1;25(9):1145-51. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp019. Epub 2009 Jan 25. PubMed PMID: 19168911; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2732305.
- Huang YT, Heist RS, Chirieac LR, Lin X, Skaug V, Zienolddiny S, Haugen A, Wu MC, Wang Z, Su L, Asomaning K, Christiani DC. Genome-wide analysis of survival in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Jun 1;27(16):2660-7. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2008.18.7906. Epub 2009 May 4. PubMed PMID: 19414679; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2690391.
- Wu MC, Lin X. Prior biological knowledge-based approaches for the analysis of genome-wide expression profiles using gene sets and pathways. Stat Methods Med Res. 2009 Dec;18(6):577-93. doi: 10.1177/0962280209351925. PubMed PMID: 20048386; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2827341.
- Wu MC, Kraft P, Epstein MP, Taylor DM, Chanock SJ, Hunter DJ, Lin X. Powerful SNP-set analysis for case-control genome-wide association studies. Am J Hum Genet. 2010 Jun 11;86(6):929-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2010.05.002. PubMed PMID: 20560208; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3032061.
- Liu CY, Wu MC, Chen F, Ter-Minassian M, Asomaning K, Zhai R, Wang Z, Su L, Heist RS, Kulke MH, Lin X, Liu G, Christiani DC. A Large-scale genetic association study of esophageal adenocarcinoma risk. Carcinogenesis. 2010 Jul;31(7):1259-63. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgq092. Epub 2010 May 7. PubMed PMID: 20453000; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2893800.
- Locke AE, Dooley KJ, Tinker SW, Cheong SY, Feingold E, Allen EG, Freeman SB, Torfs CP, Cua CL, Epstein MP, Wu MC, Lin X, Capone G, Sherman SL, Bean LJ. Variation in folate pathway genes contributes to risk of congenital heart defects among individuals with Down syndrome. Genet Epidemiol. 2010 Sep;34(6):613-23. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20518. PubMed PMID: 20718043; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3378053.
- Wu MC, Lee S, Cai T, Li Y, Boehnke M, Lin X. Rare-variant association testing for sequencing data with the sequence kernel association test. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Jul 15;89(1):82-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.05.029. Epub 2011 Jul 7. PubMed PMID: 21737059; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3135811.
- Ter-Minassian M, Wang Z, Asomaning K, Wu MC, Liu CY, Paulus JK, Liu G, Bradbury PA, Zhai R, Su L, Frauenhoffer CS, Hooshmand SM, De Vivo I, Lin X, Christiani DC, Kulke MH. Genetic associations with sporadic neuroendocrine tumor risk. Carcinogenesis. 2011 Aug;32(8):1216-22. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgr095. Epub 2011 May 23. PubMed PMID: 21606320; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3149206.
- Lin X, Cai T, Wu MC, Zhou Q, Liu G, Christiani DC, Lin X. Kernel machine SNP-set analysis for censored survival outcomes in genome-wide association studies. Genet Epidemiol. 2011 Nov;35(7):620-31. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20610. Epub 2011 Aug 4. PubMed PMID: 21818772; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3373190.
- Lee S, Wu MC, Lin X. Optimal tests for rare variant effects in sequencing association studies. Biostatistics. 2012 Sep;13(4):762- 75. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxs014. Epub 2012 Jun 14. PubMed PMID: 22699862; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3440237.
- Wu MC, Maity A, Lee S, Simmons EM, Harmon QE, Lin X, Engel SM, Molldrem JJ, Armistead PM. Kernel machine SNP-set testing under multiple candidate kernels. Genet Epidemiol. 2013 Apr;37(3):267-75. doi: 10.1002/gepi.21715. Epub 2013 Mar 7. PubMed PMID: 23471868; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3769109.
- Lin X, Lee S, Wu MC, Wang C, Chen H, Li Z, Lin X. Test for rare variants by environment interactions in sequencing association studies. Biometrics. 2016 Mar;72(1):156-64. doi: 10.1111/biom.12368. Epub 2015 Jul 30. PubMed PMID: 26229047; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4733434.
Megan Kay Diane Othus (2004-2009)
Current Position: Assistant Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Publications while in training include: n/a
Daniel Senn Maynard (2004-2007)
Current Position: Doctoral Student, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Publications while in training include: n/a
Justin Daniel Manjourides (2004-2009)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University
Publications while in training include: n/a
Thomas John Hoffmann (2004-2009)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Institute for Human Genetics / Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco
Publications while in training include:
- Hoffmann T, Lange C. P2BAT: a massive parallel implementation of PBAT for genome-wide association studies in R. Bioinformatics. 2006 Dec 15;22(24):3103-5. Epub 2006 Oct 4. PubMed PMID: 17021156. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
- Hoffmann TJ, Laird NM. fgui: A Method for Automatically Creating Graphical User Interfaces for Command-Line R Packages. J Stat Softw. 2009 Apr 1;30(2). pii: i02. PubMed PMID: 21625291; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3103229.
- Hoffmann TJ, Lange C, Vansteelandt S, Laird NM. Gene-environment interaction tests for dichotomous traits in trios and sibships. Genet Epidemiol. 2009 Dec;33(8):691-9. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20421. PubMed PMID: 19365860; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3082448.
- Hoffmann TJ, Lange C, Vansteelandt S, Raby BA, DeMeo DL, Silverman EK, Weiss ST, Laird NM. Parsing the effects of individual SNPs in candidate genes with family data. Hum Hered. 2010;69(2):91-103. doi: 10.1159/000264447. Epub 2009 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 19996607; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2956011.
- Cho MH, Washko GR, Hoffmann TJ, Criner GJ, Hoffman EA, Martinez FJ, Laird N, Reilly JJ, Silverman EK. Cluster analysis in severe emphysema subjects using phenotype and genotype data: an exploratory investigation. Respir Res. 2010 Mar 16;11:30. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-11- 30. PubMed PMID: 20233420; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2850331.
- Sebro R, Hoffman TJ, Lange C, Rogus JJ, Risch NJ. Testing for non- random mating: evidence for ancestry-related assortative mating in the Framingham heart study. Genet Epidemiol. 2010 Nov;34(7):674-9. doi: 10.1002/gepi.20528. PubMed PMID: 20842694; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3775670.
- Hoffmann TJ. Passing in Command Line Arguments and Parallel Cluster/Multicore Batching in R with batch. J Stat Softw. 2011 Mar;39. pii: PubMed PMID: 25431538; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4243301.
- Hoffmann TJ, Vansteelandt S, Lange C, Silverman EK, DeMeo DL, Laird NM. Combining disease models to test for gene-environment interaction in nuclear families. Biometrics. 2011 Dec;67(4):1260-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1541- 0420.2011.01581.x. Epub 2011 Mar 14.PubMed PMID: 21401569; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3120904.
Cynthia Anne Beller (2004-2006)
Current Position: Senior Biostatistician, UCB Pharma
Publications while in training include: n/a
Melissa Jean Whitney (2002-2010)
Current Position: Litigation Associate, DLA Piper
Publications while in training include:
- Whitney M, Ngo L. Bayesian Model Averaging Using SAS® Software. SUGI 29 Proceedings. SAS User Group International Conference; 2004 May 09; Montreal, Canada. c 00 . PMCID: N/A (Conference Proceedings)
Whitney M, Ryan L. Uncertainty Modeling in Dose Response. Cooke R, editor. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons; 2009. Chapter 4, Quantifying dose- response uncertainty using Bayesian model averaging; p.165-179. PMCID: N/A (Book Chapter)
Roman J Torgovitsky (2003-2008)
Current Position: Founder and President, Wounded Warrior, Ukraine & Soma Systems
Publications while in training include: n/a
Martin Slade (2002-n/a)
Current Position: Lecturer in Environmental Health, Department of Internal Medicine Yale University, School of Medicine
Publications while in training include: n/a
James Signorovitch (2002-2007)
Current Position: Vice President, Analysis Group, Inc
Publications while in training include: n/a
Cyril Rakovski (2002-2006)
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chapman University
Publications while in training include: n/a
Lynne Rebecca Peeples (2002-2004)
Current Position: Biostatistician, Science, Health and Environment Reporter, The Huffington Post
Publications while in training include: n/a
Elizabeth Ann Whalen (2001-2006)
Current Position: Bioinformatician II, Benaroya Research Institute
Publications while in training include: n/a
Margaret (Meg) Claire Nikolov (2001-2006)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, United States Naval Academy
Publications while in training include:
- Nikolov MC, Coull BA, Catalano PJ, Godleski JJ. Informative Bayesian structural equations models for assessing source-specific health effects of air particulates. Biostatistics 2007; 8:609–624.
Jaroslaw Harezlak (2001-2005)
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
Publications while in training include:
- Harezlak J, Wu MC, Wang M, Schwartzman A, Christiani DC, Lin X. Biomarker discovery for arsenic exposure using functional data. Analysis and feature learning of mass spectrometry proteomic data. J Proteome Res. 2008 Jan;7(1):217-24. doi: 10.1021/pr070491n. Epub 2008 Jan 4. PubMed PMID: 18173220. PMCID: N/A (accepted before 4/7/08)
Andrea Jean Cook (2001-2005)
Current Position: Associate Investigator, Group Health Research Institute
Publications while in training include: n/a
Amy Marie Cinar (2001-2006)
Current Position: Associate Director of Biostatistics, Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Publications while in training include: n/a
Julie Najita (2000-2006)
Current Position: Biostatistician, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Publications while in training include:
- Najita JS, Catalano PJ. On determining the BMD with multiple outcomes and intentionally missing data. Risk Analysis 2013; (33)8:1500-9. PMCID: PMC3683380.
- Najita J, Li Y, Catalano PJ. A novel application of a bivariate regression model for binary and continuous outcomes to studies of fetal toxicity. J Royl Stat Soc, Series C, 2009; 58(4):555–573. PMCID: PMC2847301.
Nora K. Horick (2000-2002)
Current Position: Biostatistician & Project Manager Data Coordinating Center, Massachusetts General Hospital
Publications while in training include: n/a
David Loecke (1999-2005)
Current Position: Attorney Specializing in Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical industry
Publications while in training include: n/a
Aparna Keshaviah (1999-2001)
Current Position: Biostatistician Data Analytics, Mathematica Policy Research
Publications while in training include: n/a
Andres Houseman (1999-2003)
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Oregon State University College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Publications while in training include: n/a
Kevin Roberts (1998-2003)
Current Position: Senior Biostatistician, The Population Council, Inc., Center for Biomedical Research (CBR) / Reproductive Health
Publications while in training include: n/a
Nusrat Retina Rabbee (1998-2003)
Current Position: Senior Statistical Fellow, Covance
Publications while in training include: n/a
Emily Clare Martin (1998-2004)
Current Position: Associate Director / Sr. Expert Biostatistician Merck Serono
Publications while in training include: n/a
Anna L. Choi (1998-2001)
Current Position: Research Scientist, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Publications while in training include:
- Choi AL, Levy JI, Dockery DW, Ryan LM, Tolbert PE, Altshul LM, Korrick SA. Does living near a Superfund site contribute to higher polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure?. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Jul;114(7):1092-8. PubMed PMID: 16835064; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1513320.
Erin Lake (1997-2001)
Current Position: Biostatistical Consulting
Publications while in training include: n/a
Karen Eckstein Han (1997-2002)
Current Position: Biostatistical Consulting
Publications while in training include: n/a
Zi-Fan Yu (1996-2002)
Current Position: Senior Statistical Scientist, Statistics Collaborative, Inc.
Publications while in training include: n/a
Jonathan French (1996-2000)
Current Position: Principal Scientist II and Director of Innovation, Metrum Research Group
Publications while in training include:
French J and Williams PL. Characterizing dose-response relationships in multiple cancer bioassays. Risk Analysis 2001; 21, 91-102
Paul Stark (1994-1996)
Current Position: Director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, New England Research Institutes
Publications while in training include: n/a
Predoctoral Alumni (2016-2017)
Thomas Ander Wilson
Academic advisor: Brent Coull, Francesca Dominici
Research topic: Development of statistical methods to estimate health risks of environmental contaminants; Bayesian computations, and analysis of high dimensional data
Ian James Barnett
Academic advisor: Xihong Lin, JP Onnela
Research topic: Development of statistical methods to estimate health risks of environmental contaminants; Bayesian computation, and analysis of high dimensional data
Matthew Steven Cefalu
Academic advisor: Francesca Dominici
Research topic: Environmental biomedical research
Jennifer Feder Bobb
Academic advisor: Francesca Dominici
Research topic: Using Bayesian methods for estimating health effect of complex mixtures
Corwin Matthew Zigler
Academic advisor: Brent Coull, Francesca Dominici
Research topic: Development of statistical methods in causal inference to estimate health risks of environmental contaminants; Bayesian computations, and analysis of high dimensional data
Elizabeth D Schifano
Academic advisor: Xihong Lin
Research topic: Development and application of statistical and computational methods for “omics” data in population-based studies, such as genetic epidemiology, genetic environmental sciences and clinical studies
Noah Zaitlen
Academic advisor: Alkes Price
Research topic: Computational and statistical genetics with emphasis on methods development related to the discovery of genetic basis of complex human disease and understanding the structure of genetic variation in populations
Seokho Lee
Academic advisor: Lin Xihong, Brent Coull
Research topic: Environmental health and genomics
Nikolay Bliznyuk
Academic advisor: Brent Coull, Christopher Paciorek
Research topic: Statistical methods with application to environmental health
Eric Joel Tchetgen Tchetgen
Academic advisor: James Robins, Brent Coull
Research topic: Semiparametrics theory for causal inference
Kimberly Ruth Pearson
Academic advisor: Louise Ryan
Research topic: Statistical methods for the analysis of in vitro fertilization (IVF) data
Jaroslaw Harezlak
Academic advisor: Xihong Lin
Research topic: Functional regression models for the analysis of longitudinal data
Elizabeth (Betty) Malloy
Academic advisor: Brent Coull
Research topic: Methodological research in the area of environmental statistics
Christopher Paciorek
Academic advisor: Louise Ryan
Research topic: Spatial modeling of environmental variables for epidemiological research
Long Ngo
Academic advisor: Louise Ryan, Matthew Wand
Research topic: Pharmacokinetic modeling, smoothing, semiparametric modeling and Bayesian model averaging for environmental health studies
Anthony Hamlett
Academic advisor:Matthew Wand, Louise Ryan
Research topic: Application of non-parametric methods to skewed allergen data; analysis of rater ratings of exposures to asthma irritants and sensitizers when ratings are provided by pairs of raters