The African Union, through its Africa 2063 agenda, provided a transformational strategy, operational framework, and blueprint for transforming Africa into a global powerhouse in the future. The Initiative for the Future of Health and Economic Resiliency in Africa (FHERA) was introduced in line with this shared vision for Africa.
FHERA, implemented in collaboration with The Lancet, aims to provide a forum for robust intellectual inquiry, research, and knowledge to inform dialogues, policy, and actions by individuals, communities, and countries to shape the future of health and economic resiliency for Africa. It will galvanize the intellectual resources that the African continent has in academia, policy and practice for impact, and the public and private sectors, as well as across the diaspora. In order to achieve FHERA’s overall goals, strong collaboration and ownership of the effort will be required from African scientists, policymakers, global experts, and institutions.