7 C’s of Resilience Tool

Citation: Barger, J., Vitale, P., Gaughan, J. P., & Feldman-Winter, L. (2017). Measuring resilience in the adolescent population: a succinct tool for outpatient adolescent health. The Journal of pediatrics, 189, 201-206.

PMID or DOI: PMID: 28705652, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.06.030

Main positive psychological well-being construct measured: Resilience

Sub-constructs measured: Competence, confidence, character, connection, contribution, coping and control

Available subscales: Competence, confidence, character, connection, contribution, coping and control

Description: The 7 C’s tool assesses a constellation of seven descriptors that define a framework for adolescent resilience, based on prior studies on positive youth development and resilience, including: competence (success in school, work and relationships), confidence (confidence in establishing positive behaviors and avoiding risk behaviors), character (characteristics like moral fortitude, understanding behavioral norms and perseverance), connection (meaningful connection with at least one adult), contribution (youth making contributions to their families, communities and society), coping (positive and adaptive strategies to help youth deal with stressors) and control (self-efficacy, or one’s ability to resist or avoid high risk behaviors in the face of temptation).

Number of items: 21

Example statement/item: “I am able to make all decision for myself, even in tough situations”

Response options: 3 items are listed within each subscale, with each rated as either 0, 1 or 2 such that 0=most resilient to 2=least resilient

Total score: Total sum scores are calculated, and higher scores reflect lower resilience (in order to counteract potential social desirability bias).