Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES)

Site: www.jages.net

Updated 5/16/22

Country: Japan

Study design: Observational cohort with repeated measurements over time

Participant age range: Adults aged 65 and above

Number of participants at baseline: ~ 110,000–200,000

Year of initial enrollment: 2010

Number of data collection waves: At least 4; data collection ongoing

Measures of well-being:

  • Flourishing (multidimensional)
  • Optimism
  • Purpose / meaning in life / ikigai
  • Life satisfaction
  • Subjective happiness
  • Social support / integration / cohesion
  • Prosocial behavior or attitudes

Quantity of well-being measures (e.g., number of constructs, number of times well-being was assessed): High

Quality of well-being measures (e.g., were measures reliable and valid in the study population): High

Measures of physical health: 

  • Self-rated / questionnaire-based health
  • Self-reported medical and medication history
  • Measured anthropometrics, e.g., weight
  • Biomarkers
  • National insurance database (including death)

Access Information:

This dataset is available to all researchers.

Researchers must submit an application to access this data.

There are no fees required to access this dataset.

Notable citation:

Okuzono S, Shiba K, Kim E, Shirai K, Kondo N, Fujiwara T, Kondo K, Lomas T, Trudel-Fitzgerald C, Kawachi I & VanderWeele T. (2022) Ikigai and subsequent health and wellbeing among Japanese older adults: longitudinal outcome-wide analysis. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2022(21).