Numerous scales measuring workplace well-being exist. Some of them focus on individual aspects of worker well-being (e.g., satisfaction) while others focus on aspects of the organizational environment that are likely to promote employee’s well-being. Still other measures bring together an assessment of the organizational climate, organizational practices, and individual mental and physical health.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of selected measures commonly used in research investigating workplace well-being. Please note: The Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness cannot grant permission to utilize these scales. We have compiled all information into a repository for ease of use. If you do not have access to the scale and/or publication, please contact the author(s) of the scale for permission and any questions related to its utilization.
Affective Well-being at Work
Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS)
WARR Scale of Job-related Affective Well-being (Warr’s Measure)
Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work
Thriving at Work
Workplace Wellbeing Questionnaire (WWQ)
Employee Well-Being Scale
Worker Well-Being Questionnaire (NIOSH)