Resilience Skills and Abilities Scale (RSAS)

Citation: Jew, C. L., Green, K. E., & Kroger, J. (1999). Development and validation of a measure of resiliency. Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development, 32(2), 75-89.

PMID or DOI: doi: 10.1080/07481756.1999.12068973

Main positive psychological well-being construct measured: Resilience characteristics

Sub-constructs measured: Future orientation, active skill acquisition, independence/risk taking

Available subscales: Future orientation, active skill acquisition, independence/risk taking

Description: The Resilience Skills and Abilities Scale was developed to assess specific psychological characteristics linked to resilience in prior empirical studies and grounded in a cognitive appraisal theory of resiliency. Characteristics include skills and attributes that resilient people use in stressful situations, including rapid responsivity to danger, precocious maturity, dissociation of affect, information seeking, relationships, positive projective anticipation, decisive risk-taking, conviction of being loved, idealization of aggressor’s competence, cognitive restructuring of painful events, altruism, and optimism and hope. Factor analyses identified four primary factors based on these specific skills and abilities.

Number of items: 35

Example statement/item: “I try to learn as much about a new situation as possible before it happens” 

Response options: 5-point response scale, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree

Total score: Mean scores are derived for subscales.